Character Information
Name: Amelia Kirkland
Canon Origin/Series: Axis Powers Hetalia (Nyotalia)
School Year: 5th
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Out of school living location: London, England
Blood status: Pureblood
Personality: Amelia is loud, brash, and overly energetic. One could describe her as tomboyish, since her primary interests are sports and muggle mechanics, but her secondary interests are boys, clothes, and make-up. She feels just as comfortable being "one of the guys" as she does "one of the girls," and would really prefer not to be put in a box at all.
She's also very outspoken about her opinions, and she certainly has a lot of them. She's incredibly stubborn about them, too, and would argue a losing point until she's blue in the face rather than admit to being wrong. On the other hand, if the stakes aren't so high, she might occasionally incorporate others' ideas into her own ideology (though she'd never admit that she ever changed her mind; of course she thought that way all along!)
Amelia is very open about mostly everything, to the point that it probably makes people uncomfortable. She has no qualms about telling personal stories, no matter how awkward or how intimate, and will general do so at the least provocation. Why should she be embarrassed? This is real life; everyone deals with it. Anyone who tries to pretend their farts don't stink is just lying to themselves.
Canon Background: Amelia is the female personification of the United States, and as such can be said, as well as representing the country itself, to represent various women's movements through American history, most particularly the WASPs, as she is often depicted wearing a WWII-era flight jacket.
So far she has only appeared in one official strip, but she manages to impart a lot of personality from a very brief appearance. Naturally she's imposed herself in a leadership position of a world meeting, while wearing a crop-top shirt and carrying a baseball bat, which she uses to threaten anyone who isn't paying attention. From the other characters' dialogue, it seems that she isn't afraid to use it, either.
Background (AU!Canon; HP): Amelia is an only child, raised by a single father from a prominent pureblood family. Being of rather old-fashioned mind, her father enforced the belief that children should be seen and not heard. Thus, she would be treated like a doll, dressed up in frilly dress robes and presented at Ministry and social functions, and for the most part, shelved the rest of the time. Naturally, she hated it. Everything about the lifestyle seemed stuffy and oppressive to her, from the tightly laced bows on her robes to the towering buildings and smoggy streets of London.
While her father threw himself into his work, Amelia was mostly raised by her nanny, Susan. Susan read her fairytales about lady knights rescuing princes in distress, and witches who changed the world. She taught her how to rebel in little ways, and how to use her wits and her wiles to convince people that they wanted what she wanted them to. Perhaps most importantly, Susan fostered in her a healthy sense of argument. Whereas most of the adults in Amelia's life would tell her what to do and believe, and expect her, as a child, to accept it, Susan encouraged her to speak up when she disagreed and gladly engaged in (lively and sometimes heated) debates with the girl. Amelia adored her, as the only person who treated her like a person and not a little girl.
Some of Amelia's earliest and fondest memories are of spending summers at her aunt's house in the country. While she was mostly left to her own devices out there as well, unlike being left alone at the big (and rather creepy) London house, in the countryside she had all of the outdoors to explore. She learned to climb trees, catch frogs in the creek and fireflies at night, and to get her dresses very, very dirty. She also learned to ride a horse (from one of the cute neighbor boys), and a broom (on her own), and found that she adored both. Every summer she would sob and hide when it would come time to go back to the confines of the city.
Her Hogwarts letter came just before she turned eleven, and even though she had been expecting it, it was still a thrilling occasion. Choosing-- or rather, being chosen by-- her wand, was nothing short of a magical experience, and even buying textbooks was kind of exciting. Though she'd had a few friends as a child, mostly other children dragged along to social events, Hogwarts was the first time she found herself truly among her peers. She thrived in the Hogwarts environment, especially with its expansive grounds and ample opportunities for flying (even if she got in trouble more than a few times for trying to sneak into the Forbidden Forest).
How would your character fit in to each House?
Gryffindor: She's the hero!!! Amelia is definitely the type to act first and ask questions later, especially if a friend might be in danger or there's some possibility that justice isn't being upheld. She's reckless and impulsive, with a tendency to get into fights, but she genuinely cares about people, and she's certainly someone that you'd want to have your back.
Hufflepuff: She's intensely loyal to her friends. Once she's on your side or decided you need help (whether you think you need it or not), it would take an awful lot to get her to give up on you. Determination is a big one too: knock her down and she'll keep getting up until she physically can't anymore (and even then, she'll try). On the other hand, she can be fairly intolerant to people whose opinions or lifestyles differ from hers, and hard work isn't exactly her forte. If she can get something done with a minimal amount of effort, so much the better.
Ravenclaw: While she's certainly not the most book-smart or academically motivated, she isn't unintelligent. She has great aptitude for learning when a subject interests her (muggle sports, for example). She's also fairly creative, often coming up with new ways of doing things entirely by accident (usually because the regular way wasn't exciting enough).
Slytherin: Amelia is definitely ambitious. She has a strong drive to win and to be the best at whatever she does, and she thrives on peoples' recognition and praise of her accomplishments. While she generally strives to do the 'right' thing, she tends to see the world in black and white, where the end justifies the means.
Sample Journal Entry: OWL year, huh? Well bring it on! I'm not gonna let some lame tests spoil the year for me. Everyone knows fifth year is the best anyway. You finally get to do all the cool stuff.
Guess what? This year we're gonna take the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup. And I'm gonna ace all my OWLs, and no one can stop me.
Sample Interaction Post in Third Person: Amelia was in the middle of a brisk walk around the castle grounds when the sky opened up. Within five minutes she was so thoroughly soaked that she figured there wasn't even much point in heading back to the castle. So she didn't. Instead, turning her face skyward, she laughed to the heavens, twirling in a cirle with her arms outspread, laughing until she fell down, dizzy. Then she made a mud angel.
By the time she made her way back to the castle and up to her dormitory (leaving an impressive trail of mud in her wake, which no less than three people confronted her about-- not that she cared much) the sky outside was growing dark, and the storm had more or less stopped. She shivered, not having realized she was cold until coming back inside, and she thought enviously of the stories she'd heard about the prefects' bath. The only thing better than a good romp in the rain, she thought, would be a good romp in the rain followed by a bubble bath that smelled like candied fruit.
Failing that, though, she oozed through the entrance to the common room like a swamp monster, dripping ponderously on the carpet with her sopping robes. She grinned a little when she heard a shriek from a first year, who probably thought she was a swamp monster. She looked enough like one.
All in all, a day well-spent.