Dear Author Letter (Trick or Treat)

Sep 11, 2016 18:00

Thank you so much for writing for me! I’m excited to be in the exchange and to see what you write. :)

My AO3 username is burglebezzlement.

I love all of these fandoms, and would be delighted to get fic in any of them. I know a couple of my specific prompt sections are longer, but it’s only because I requested more characters in those fandoms, and wanted to make sure there were prompts and ideas for all the characters.

The general details below are in case you’re interested in more information. All of my specific fandom prompts are the same ones as in my optional details on AO3.

Some things I tend to enjoy in fic: A strong sense of place. Casefic and Monster of the Week fics of all varieties. Details of characters doing their jobs. Road trips. Weather, including thunderstorms, snowstorms, etc. Descriptions of food. Character against nature. Stories about characters exploring or rebuilding an old or abandoned home. Secret or hidden places. Epistolary fic, especially when based on the internet. Stories where characters are stranded in some remote or cut-off location (either in a Canadian Shack way, or in a “there’s a murderer/ghost/whatever coming after us or killing all of us off” way).

In terms of tone, I enjoy everything from fluff to darkfic, although I’m not generally a fan of extreme or gory horror for the sake of horror.

In general, I’m more interested in canon-based fic and canon-departure AUs than I am in mundane AUs. That being said, if you have an AU you’d love to write - especially if it involves an unusual profession or allows for a get-together fic for an established canon couple - I’m interested. I’m not interested in unrequested fusions or crossovers.

I’m generally not interested in porn or kink - nothing against them, just not my thing. No PWP, please.

Gravity Falls

Characters: Mabel, Candy, and Grenda
Requesting: Fic, either tricks or treats welcome

My favorite thing about Gravity Falls is the wacky adventures. I love Mabel, Candy, and Grenda, and I’d be delighted with fic about any of them or all of them. I don’t have any ships for these characters (apart from liking Grenda/Marius) and would prefer canon-level content in terms of violence etc. I like all of the other GF characters, and have a definite soft spot for Soos and Wendy.

Some potential prompt ideas:
-Grenda visits Marius, and he goes missing at sea/gets locked in a wine cellar/whatever and for Reasons, Grenda ends up ruling his Duchy for a day.
-Mabel has a run-in with something in California that she assumes is paranormal… but it isn’t.
-Candy comes across a boyband clone and/or one of the escaped Dipper clones in the forest.
-The gnome Grenda helped take down in the sting in The Last Mabelcorn gets out of prison, and Grenda is sucked into a dark world of vengeance and pixie dust.
-Mabel, Candy, and/or Grenda in Ducktective fandom.
Or anything else about their adventures!


Characters: Charlie Bradbury and Jo Harvelle
Requesting: Fic, either tricks or treats welcome

I love reading about Jo and/or Charlie having their own adventures in this fandom. I like casefic, adventures, and slice of life. Canon-level violence is fine. I am fine with fic set in Heaven, fic set before their canonical deaths, or canon-departure AUs/fix-it fic where they do not die. Ship-wise, I maybe low-key ship Jo/Dean, but I think any relationship they would have had would have been pretty short-lived, with Jo leaving to do awesome things on her own. I’m also open to Jo/Charlie.

For Charlie ideas: What did she hunt on her own before heading to Oz? Did she have an internet battle with the Ghostfacers to get them to take down content about the Winchesters? I’m also always up for Charlie on the internet (including epistolary fic written in the form of a forum, IMs, emails, Tumblr, or whatever), or Charlie trying to get on the internet from weird locations.

For Jo ideas: maybe something about My Heart Will Go On-verse Jo. What's her crew like? Is Ash still alive and working with her? What types of monsters have they put down? If Ellen and Bobby are married now, that kind of makes Sam and Dean her brothers - is that weird for them? Or anything else that seems like it might be interesting.

Hart of Dixie

Character: Lemon Breeland
Requesting: Fic, either tricks or treats welcome

I am here for ALL THE LEMON BREELAND. Lemon and Magnolia! Lemon and Annabeth! Lemon/Lavon. Lemon and Wade. I love all of Lemon's shenanigans and all the drama and all the wacky Bluebell events. I love madcap Lemon, and I love slice-of-life Lemon. A prank war with Wade? Lemon in investigatory mode, maybe looking into a local ghost or legend? Lemon leading the Belles? Lemon plotting revenge? Yes please.

Ship-wise, I’m definitely on the Lemon/Lavon train, but I really love gen adventures in this canon (or Lemon and Lavon doing something plotty together, rather than PWP).

Wynonna Earp

Characters: Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught, Doc Holliday, and Xavier Dolls
Requesting: Fic, either tricks or treats welcome

I love everyone in this bar! Ship-wise, I’d be up for Waverly/Nicole, Wynonna/Dolls, Wynonna/Doc, or Wyatt/Doc, but I'd also love fic about any of the requested characters on their own or exploration of any of the non-romantic relationships between the requested characters. I also have a soft spot for Willa, Gus, Sheriff Nedley, and Chrissy Nedley, if you happen to have any ideas that include them along with the character(s) we matched on.

In this canon, I really enjoy fic where the characters are working out how to help one another, fic where they’re hanging out at the Homestead, and fic about any combination of Earp sisters.

Canon-level violence is fine. Canon-depature AUs are always of interest. I’m generally more up for plotty stuff or explorations of their world, and I’m not interested in PWP.

Some prompt ideas for specific characters:

-Doc tries to figure out some modern thing like Starbucks or the internet (bonus points if it’s Nicole and/or Waverly who are trying to explain).
-Wynonna and/or Waverly decide to do some remodeling at the Homestead and find something unexpected. (Worst episode of HGTV ever, y’all!)
-Nicole on duty during an ordinary night in Purgatory (which means something weird is going to happen).
-Waverly plans a sisterly bonding night that goes terribly wrong.
-Wynonna investigates a donut thief at the station.
-Dolls needs to find a new apartment and things get complicated.
-Haunting - pretty much any haunting, any character.
Or anything else that seems like fun!

dear author

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