am unnerved by the "reasonable man" who smiles at his neighbor but supports policies that will destroy his neighbor's family. i think "reasonable" discourse is obscene.
profoundly unsettled...hurting at core. chest is a knot. most have no grasp of what colonialism is, somehow cannot recognize it, the "well-meaning" types who won't outright say that brown indigenous lives are worth dust. K pointedly brought up the silence of the great liberal hope. another reason why I hate when people turn politics into a soap opera between personalities. heart is thudding. bloated with news, oversaturated...including the news that is never news. am sick of this ridiculous discourse that makes a state and a half-dispersed people equivalent in power and their claims to land equally valid.
"Ahmad, put down your slingshot and your hand grenade. Avi, put down your gunboat and your nuclear-armed fighter-bomber." said by a filipina feminist and quoted by a palestinian woman: "we are the daughters of a thousand dreams / we are the daughters the world hoped would die in the bellies of our mothers"
“The Palestinians must be made to understand in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated people.”- Moshe Yalon, former IDF chief of staff and i thought about you and everyone today. each breath drawn perceived to be a threat to armed power
that wrong is not our names, faces, hair, spirit
i want to keep you safe
even though that is an almost ridiculous notion
i can barely keep myself together
but i want to offer you my brittle arms
i want no girl or woman to sting and bleed from the roots
the taut nerves of her mangrove limbs ringing
it seems that i can only offer up
these inadequate words.