Title: Fireworks
Fandom: Good Omens
Characters: Them
Words: 100
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stil all Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry's! (Yes, the fact that Terry Pratchett is a Sir amuses me to no end. Shush.)
Notes: And yet another Christmas drabble. This one is for
It had been Pepper's idea. Of course it had been, plans like that always were.
Wensleydale had pointed out that it was dangerous. Brian had pointed out that it was lame. Adam had just shrugged, in a way suggesting that he was interested, but not convinced.
But then Pepper had frowned.
And were they happy she had. Although those were indubitably the dangerous kind, those fireworks were anything but lame.
Explanations would be demanded, parents would be cross, and they would be grounded. But watching these explosions in the sky, they really felt it was worth it.