Tutorial #4 and #5

Jan 24, 2013 17:08

A tutorial requested by calrissian18


Here's the photo we'll be working with.

Since I made this icon before there were screencaps of The Hunger Games (excluding overused trailer ones ofc), I thought I should just take a pic from a Jennifer Lawrence photoshoot and turn it into Katniss c:

We make a new layer and paint over her hair. Then we set to Soft Light. If you haven't painted her blonde strands too well, you can always use the burn tool c:

So now we have this

Since I usually work on a bigger than 100x100 canvas, let us continue with the one we have, shall we? (:

I take this texture (by stewarks on tumblr I think?) and set it to Screen.

Then I add a Color Fill with #3a2617 and set to Screen at 23% opacity. We duplicate the base and drag it on top, set to Soft Light. Add this texture (again, I think by stewarks) to Screen, then add Brightness and Contrast with Brightess at -29.

And we have this

Then I googled some dandelions and found this photo. I resized it and pasted it on the JLaw/Katniss photo we were just working on. Then I took the Magic Wand Tool, selected it then went to Select > Modify > Feather (5 pixels) and started pressing the Delete button. Since the photo is still too big for the icon and I'm not interested in the sky and clouds, I select the top part and repeat the Modify > Feather steps and do the same on the left side and on the bottom.

And now we have this

We resize it, add this texture by vetica on Screen, lower the opacity and we're done :D

I know it's a bit different from the original, but (since I never save psds ._.) I must've used another grainy texture that had a yellowish/brown colour. Hope that helped :D

A tutorial requested by calrissian18


And here's our cap.

Ok, so we resize it and then add Vibrance and Saturation at Vibrance 100+ and Hue 20+. Duplicate it and add some Curves (Output: 112 Input: 77; Output: 159 Input: 94), set them to Screen and lower the opacity to 67%.

Now we have this

We add a new fill layer with #e8e7d3 and set it to Colour Burn. Maybe lower the opacity a bit. Then another fill layer with #442a17 and we set it to Screen at 66% opacity. We take the base, duplicate and drag on top of all the layers, then set it to Soft Light.

And we have this

Now some Brightness and Contrast, Brightness 7 and Contrast -2, set to Soft Light. Then I probably used some texture for the lighting. I usually use vetica's gradient textures set to Soft Light.
Like this one.

We sharpen the icon and then smudge the top left corner of the icon, where the sky is a bit blackish.

Now we take the Rectangular Marquee Tool and select this part of the icon

We duplicate it and move it all the way to the left, until Dean's right side is in half, like this

We duplicate it again and this time move it so Sam's left side is all the way on the right. And we're almost done C:

Now we just add some text. The "WANTED" font is Cowboy (surprise surprise LOL!) and the "Dead or Alive" one is Ranger.

Aaaand we're officially done C:

I think this was the closest I've ever gotten to the original with a remake hahaha. And I hope it was easy to follow and helpful :3 If you have any questions about it, ask away :D


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