Title: Nothing Funny About It
burnedyesterdayFandom: Primeval
Pairing/Characters: Nick Cutter & Stephen Hart
Rating/Category: G
Summary: Stephen is far too amused.
Words: 100
Primeval100 Prompt #384 - Neanderthal
“It’s bloody embarrassing.”
Stephen’s lips twitched and then he shook his head as the grin spread. “No, I’m sticking with funny as hell.”
Cutter glared at him. “There was nothing funny about any of it.”
“Nick, you punched out an actor.”
“How was I supposed to know what he was? We had just come out of the anomaly and next thing I know there’s a Neanderthal approaching us like he was on a hunt.” He frowned. “I didn’t want the wee girl to be afraid of anything else.”
“Yes, you could just hear her terror through her giggles.”
“Sod off.”