Subject: Franz Kafka (V2)
Date: July 17, 2006
Location: Eupheme Academy
Testers: William Blake (V2), Soraya Asif (D)
IA: Briefly looked in Soraya's direction.
RS: nr
G: nr
O: nr
S-V: nr
DMS: nr
PC: Shifted slightly but didn't seem to notice anything consciously.
Readouts: n/a
Other: see notes
Notes: Subject stated in his public online journal that he had seen the ghost of a girl silently gesturing towards a spot in the library wall. Later--also in the journal--he said that she had appeared to him on several more occasions, always silently. He claimed to have seen and heard and spoken with many other ghosts over the course of his lifetime. I (Will) warned him away from Lovecraft's house and asked to meet him. I also told him I was interested in meeting the ghost in the library. He was enthusiastic about the idea, and invited several other people along with us.
When we met him, subject greeted me and introduced himself but looked in Soraya's direction only briefly. He and I discussed the ghost he said he'd seen while Soraya went through the test items, and he showed no signs of noticing her.
After a few minutes, he asked if I was coming along on the expedition, and I said yes. We went to the library and waited for the others. When they arrived, we milled around and discussed the situation. While this was going on, the ghost appeared, corporealized in the form of a girl in a white dress floating in the air.
Subject--along with two other boys--looked directly at and commented on the ghost. I didn't speak to her so as not to lead the perceptions of the others (and so as to maintain the continuity of my local rules).
The ghost gestured to us to follow her, but did not speak. She led us to a section of wall, and subject started to break a hole in it. There was some unrelated personal arguing, and several people left the building, including a friend of mine whom it would have been distinctly odd of me to ignore. I went outside with her, but after a while we heard the police arriving and entering the opposite side of the building, and people speaking of having found a body. We left so as not to get involved.
Soraya was present in corporeal mode for the entire incident, but none of the people there appeared to notice her.
Conclusion: Subject displays no more than a bare minimum of spirit-sensitivity; he is imaginative and open to the idea of spirits, so may have been confabulating his previous experiences; or, perhaps, was trying to impress people at school. What true sensitivity he has--likewise for the others who saw the ghost in the library--is probably due to the extreme agitation and focus of the ghost (who has not been seen since, having apparently dissipated after her purpose for remaining was removed) and to one of the bursts of energy radiating from the Eupheme auto shop or Lovecraft rifts.
In both of our opinions further testing is not necessary.
--William Blake
--Soraya Asif