To the Anonymous Whomever that sent the little tiger currently stalking Lynn's profile page: Thank You! You seriously brightened up my lunch hour!
In exchange, a
humorous recap of the least believable television show ever (it's relevant because it's historical!).
Comments 4
((That link. IS. AWESOME.))
((Bad guys don't think of themselves as bad guys, WHY ARE THERE SKULLS ON THEIR UNIFORMS?
Also, hey there Buliwyf.))
((Why does every guy who tries to take over Europe invade Russia during the winter?? Did Hitler never play Risk as a kid?
I know, right? Someone can't believe I've never seen that movie, either. *wince*))
((Never start a land war in Asia! It's one of the classic blunders.
Really? I think it's on Netflix Instant View, if you're interested! It's surprisingly good...and also features Bernard's PB. Go figure.))
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