I realize everyone's a bit distracted by fear, or sorrow, or... whatever...
...but has anyone stopped to think about what an opportunity this illness has given you? To learn about your enemy, I mean.
No natural pathogen could account for our different origins, strengths, and weaknesses; but people (and nonpeople alike) are getting sick regardless of
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Comments 22
It would have to be something that each and every one of us has. Vampires, priests, shadows and saints.
Though you mean the wings.
Of course, even if I'm right, there's nothing to be done to prevent fatalities.
[[OOC: Haven't had a chance to tell you, but... haha omg, Mike Nelson! ♥ The next time the Malnosso make a post, we finally have someone to sit in front of them and ridicule them for it~]]
They're sloppy.
From what I've seen you may be right. It makes me wonder what could be accomplished with their power if it were in the hands of someone more competent, or disciplined.
It's one thing to be at the whim of something more powerful than yourself - and quite another to be at the whim of an idiot more powerful than yourself.
Impressive technology for a bunch of idiots, too; makes me wonder if, for them, crossing worlds, changing the genetic structure of a person and making impassible barriers is as easy as a flick of a switch, or if they got the technology from someone else, someone more intelligent.
In fact, how do we even know that the Malnosso aren't lackeys for someone higher up, someone who doesn't have the time or the patience to look after us himself? Groups of scientists never work well unless they've got someone to report to, I've found.
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