Date: Monday, September 5
Time: 8:00 AM
Week Number // Name: 001 / A New Beginning
Characters Open To // Involved: Aleida / Phoebe + Aleida
Reason: Phoebe: *stalks*
Phoebe was absolutely sure that this was the right door. Positive. She had been walking around the fifteen-year-old hallway for ten to fifteen minutes, knocking on random doors and trying in vain to describe Aleida, as she was new so nobody really knew what she looked like, pfft. It took forever, but she thought she had been directed to the right door now.
That and the fact that it was the only door she hadn't knocked on.
She knocked on it briskly, rubbing her hands together nervously and moving up and down on the balls of her feet. She felt rather... well, obligated, in a way, to help this girl out. It was rather obvious how new and out-of-place the other girl was and felt, and Phoebe wanted to help her fit in. So, there she was, waiting outside her door. Perhaps a bit much, but Phoebe was determined to do this right.
So, she waited somewhat nervously for the other girl to answer her door, if she did at all.