they have everything you need for college information. just search for the colleges that you'd like to attend and you can do college comparisons to see which one best fits your interests and such. has every information that you need from prices to minimum requirements to annual tuition and everything.
considering that you're an extremely smart girl, i'd highly recommend UF. =) i'm sure you can get in.
why UF? - best college in the state - g'ville party - gators - kickass dorms
Comments 5
i love you.
or ill die from sam deprevation.
we cant have that.
we should go visit a couple one weekend.
This is rare.
6th hour is going to be endless fun. + LUNCH.
2 livejournal visits within 2 hours.
i give myself a gold medal.
"silly samaa sings snazzy songs."
i wrote you a little something :)
they have everything you need for college information. just search for the colleges that you'd like to attend and you can do college comparisons to see which one best fits your interests and such. has every information that you need from prices to minimum requirements to annual tuition and everything.
considering that you're an extremely smart girl, i'd highly recommend UF. =)
i'm sure you can get in.
why UF?
- best college in the state
- g'ville party
- gators
- kickass dorms
you'd love it.
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