Ashley hates me now.
This is the edited version of how I just got dissed...
[11:50] xashleyx: im making marilyn a friendster account right now.
[11:50] brianat: oh my word.
[11:50] xashleyx: hahahahaha
[11:50] brianat: that damn duck.
[11:51] xashleyx: you loooove her!
[11:51] brianat: fuckin a.
[11:51] brianat: i'd love to eat her.
[11:51] xashleyx: whatever.
[11:51] xashleyx: no you wouldnt.
[11:51] brianat: hahahaa
[11:52] brianat: no, but i know how to clean a duck. i've done it before. maybe it was marilyns great grandpa?
[11:53] xashleyx: i hate you.
[11:53] brianat: no. no you don't.
[11:53] xashleyx: oh yes i do.
[11:53] xashleyx: that was a MEEAANN comment!
[11:54] brianat: haha. i've shot a duck before.
[11:54] brianat: OUT OF THE FUCKIN SKY!!
[11:54] brianat: one moment, it was going home to feed it's kids little bits of duck food, THE NEXT MOMENT it's plummeting towards the ground!!
[11:54] brianat: i should write a song about that.
[11:55] xashleyx: im not talking to you anymore
[11:55] xashleyx: you make me sad.
[11:56] brianat: my mtn dew is gone
[11:56] brianat: and i just sneezed.
[11:56] brianat: ugh.
[12:02] brianat: ashley.
[12:02] brianat: you're killing me here smalls.
[12:02] brianat: guess what i got in the mail yesterday?
[12:02] brianat: that's riiiiiiiiight!!
[12:03] brianat: THE PERFECT WAY TO COOK A DUCK IN 10 SMALL STEPS - A Duck Hunters Guide to Eating Right!!
[12:03] brianat: *chuckle*
[12:03] brianat: ok ok.
[12:03] brianat: that's not what i got.