.age - 19
. height - 5'6.5''
. location - P-cola now.
. hair color - dark brown..maybe light brown later this week...haha
. eye color - hazel
. sexual preference - I'm all about the men
. what do you think of cheerleading - GO TEAM GO!
. what brand of deodorant do you use - Dove...POWDER FRESH
. of the people you've kissed, who was the worst kisser - I pick good kissers yo ;)
. do you like pickles - only when it's slices really thin
. do you watch porn - not intentionally...haha, but I've been exposed to it more than I've cared to be
. Do you have any pets - 4 cats and a bunny
. who are you gonna vote for - Myself. No joke. I'm putting my name on the ballot ;)
. do you have your own phone line - I have a cell phone?
. your thoughts on abortion - Circumstance is everything, but for the most part I think it's wrong
. do you like Britney Spears - I wish I had her abs. haha
. what do you want to do with your life - teach psych or help obese people with thier weight
. ever been butt naked bangin' on the bathroom floor - not lately...haha...or ever
. would you ever get plastic surgery, if so, on what - Probably not. I'm learning to love my nose which is the only thing I really hated.
. do you think foreign accents are sexy - If I can understand them, yes.
. do you like hot dogs - only If I'm starving
. last time you went to the doctor - TWO DAYS AGO. BLAH
. ever taken ballet - Nope.
. last time you used the restroom - a few hours ago?
. most attractive person you know - my PDA whore when he had his thumbtack. =) I miss him...*cries* haha
piercings = 2 in the navel, the tounge, 3 in one ear and 4 in the other.
tattoos = as soon as I can get someone to draw me one I like I'll have one!!! =)
shoe size = 9...I have big feet =(
favorite color = BLACK AND BLUE
describe yourself in four words = ADHD, mind changer, twitterpated
siblings = 1 sista
underwear = I buy whatever I want to buy. Victoria's secret normally. I am a compulsive underwear buyer :-/
coffee cup = plastic...it normally says, "bad ass" or "starbucks" on the side. haha
cd you listened to = HOWIE
person you called = THE STUPID COX CABLE PEOPLE. I need my olympic coverage
person that has called you = My mom just called to see how I was..haha
person you emailed = one of my new professors
person who emailed you = one of my new professors. haha
person you kissed = *cries* I need to go kiss someone to make this answer different. haha.
you have a bf or gf = What's that? I can't seem to recall the last one I had...*cries again*
you have a crush on someone = yes. Well I have kind of sort of feelings for someone. Well they know about it. I don't know if you can call it a crush. Kelly Shut up.
you wish you could live somewhere else = I wish my air would shut off. It's possessed and it's freezing my ass off.
you think about suicide = not seriously
others find you attractive = I don't really think so. Either that or my personailty really sucks. :-/
you do drugs = Lately I've been rocking the prenatal vitamins. haha
you smoke = I might start again. haha
you like roller coasters: Only if someone I trust will hold my death grip hand while I'm on one
you write in cursive or print = print...always
for or against....
long distance relationships = I guess it would all depend, but from what I've seen they don't normally work out unless the people are older.
using someone = BEING USED SUCKS ASS, so don't use people. It's not nice. =(
suicide = I wouldn't do it.
killing people = No. no. NO!
doing drugs = Whatever floats your boat
premarital sex = if you love the person
do you....
like the taste of blood = not really...haha
believe in love = Love is just a word.
believe in soul mates = definately not in a romantic way, but maybe in a friends way
believe in love at first sight = Yes. I saw hair and I went, "I LOVE YOU." Hair went away and I went, "I HATE YOU." haha. I'm kidding
believe in god = higher power...maybe...SHE doesn't have a name though ;)
ever cried over a girl/boy = *cries* BOYS ARE STUPID
ever lied to someone = yes.
ever been arrested = Close to it, but no. haha
ever dated anyone who's in your lj friends list = Nooo????
ever considered dating anyone else on your lj friends list = I don't like this question
kissed anyone on your lj friends list = I don't like this question either
ever been in a fist fight = I punched chelsea once! ;)
are you scared of = lizards
what are you like in relationships = I try my best to be what the person needs, but I don't think it's ever enough or I run scared, so you know...this is a stupid question.
of times I have been in love? = NADA
of times I have had my heart broken? = It's been torn, but not broken. Not yet.
of hearts I have broken? = I hope none
of boys I have kissed? 3 MILLION! Ok, take away the million. God I'm so fucking conservative.
of girls I have kissed? Nada.
of men I've slept with? = NADA. I've never been with a guy who's deserved my innocence
of girls I've slept with? = NADA
of continents I have lived on? = two
of drugs taken illegally? = I don't like this question
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? = 1...maybe 2
::what (illegal) drugs (if any) have you done?:: BLAH BLAH BLAH
::What's the best gift you've ever received?:: Piercings are always nice! =)
::What's the best concert you've ever attended?:: OMFG. THE COW HAUS!!!!!!
::If you had to give up either music or sex for the rest of your life, which would you pick?:: Sex. I guess I can live without something I've never had...haha
::What's your favorite bad-for-you food?:: chocolate covered raisens. Or PB M&Ms
::What rockstar would you be a permanent groupie for, no questions asked?:: I don't like the word groupie, but Finch!
::If you could lose (or get back to re-lose) your virginity to any person living or dead, who would it be?:: NATERZ. Or my PDA whore back when he had his thumbtack. HAHA. *sigh* Those were the good old days.
::Are you a dog person or a cat person?:: CATS!
::What's your favorite US city?:: Boston
::Have you ever made out with more than one person in the same 24 hour period?:: Nope.
::Favorite curse word? I've been saying "motherfucker" a lot lately. I'm trying to stop though cause I'm sure it sounds stupid coming out of my mouth. I say shit a lot.
::Have you ever had a romantic/sexual encounter with a rock star?:: I wish. haha. but sadly no. Jenn tried to molest MY IAN though. MY IAN.
::What's the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done while drunk?:: Me= never drunk
::What current trend do you think is ridiculous and wish would go away immediately?:: T-shirts that say shit like, "My boyfriend is out of town. call me" and other retarded sayings.
[Said "I love you" and meant it?] Yes, but never to a person's face. If that makes sense
[Been to New York?] Nope.
[Been to Florida?] Live here
[California?] Yep
[Hawaii?] Nope
[Mexico?] Nope
[China? Japan?] Lived in Okinawa
[Canada?] Nope.
[Danced nekkid?] Yes. ha. ha. ha. *hides*
[Apples or bananas?] I HATE BANANAS
[Red or blue?] blue
[WalMart or Target?] target.
[Math or English?] MATH
[High school or college?] I kind of miss high school. My life didn't seem so complicated. haha
[do you want to get married] Yes. Someday
[if so, what age would you like to be married] like late 20's or early 30's
[who will you marry] Someone with good hair. It's a must in my book. HAHA
That survey was lame, but I still filled it out. I'm here. Finally. I had to bring a lot more stuff today than I thought I had left. It's crazy. But I managed to hook up 90 percent of my electronics by myself. I was proud. haha. GO ME! I don't have a phone line yet, but my cell phone gets good service here, so it's all good.
Classes start tomorrow. I feel anxious. I'm excited and yet kind of scared. Which is stupid since I've been doing this whole college thing for 2 years. God. That's crazy. I feel old. haha.
I need to get some sleep because I have to do the whole shower and makeup thing to make sure I look pretty for all the boys that will surely ignore me. haha. Goodnight!