I think Ewan McGregor's smile is adorable, but that is just me and my taste in men is questionable considering the one that I want to marry talks to quesadillas and threatens people with plastic knives. ;) And the other one is so, so, so whipped... hahah.
We didn't have chocolate thrown at us... you had chocolate thrown at you. Because he looooooves you. ;D
That would be awesome if you had a class with youknowwho. Hehe.
HAHA. I love Randy. "I guess...hmm..I guuuueeesssss" He's so funny even though he's kind of dumb.
And Mr. whipped. He just needs help.
He doesn't love me. He just thinks I'm fun to torture. If only I wasn't so freaking nervous around him STILL. I mean you've seen first hand how I Freeze up like crazy. It's so awful! haha
Class with youknowwho would probably give me a heart attack.
And no to Ewan's smile! haha. Sorry. it's just...weird. :-p
They should've shown more of him at the birthday party instead of Derek. Because Derek was just soooo far gone. Hahaha. That little moment Nate and Randy had is priceless...oh my god.
I don't see how throwing chocolate at someone could be considered torture. ;) Don't freeze up! Just start with something simple like, "Hey, how's it going..."
If you had class with him, just be sure you don't sit behind him otherwise you wouldn't be able to see a thing. ;)
I can't help it! I freeze. It's like he just looks at me and gives a little smile or something and I can't talk! It's crazy. I've never felt so foolish talked to someone as I do him. I'm just screwed. haha
And Ewan was good in 'down with love' but the hickish accent AND the smiling was getting to me, but you can <3 him all you want :)
I would have thought you would prefer Mr. Molko in that movie over anyone even though his part is tiny. I mean how can you resist the guy running through the streets with those crazy heeled shoes and that lovely little boa thing?! haha
As soon as I set up my camera I will take one and post it. And plus, in the first like 2 weeks it don't look so hot, so yeah, waiting for it to not look so red and ugly!
Comments 11
We didn't have chocolate thrown at us... you had chocolate thrown at you. Because he looooooves you. ;D
That would be awesome if you had a class with youknowwho. Hehe.
And Mr. whipped. He just needs help.
He doesn't love me. He just thinks I'm fun to torture. If only I wasn't so freaking nervous around him STILL. I mean you've seen first hand how I Freeze up like crazy. It's so awful! haha
Class with youknowwho would probably give me a heart attack.
And no to Ewan's smile! haha. Sorry. it's just...weird. :-p
I don't see how throwing chocolate at someone could be considered torture. ;) Don't freeze up! Just start with something simple like, "Hey, how's it going..."
If you had class with him, just be sure you don't sit behind him otherwise you wouldn't be able to see a thing. ;)
I love Ewan McGregor. The End. :-D
Uhh..I have to go but this was a great party...
*bats eyelashes*
BAHAHAHA! <3 Nate and Randy
I can't help it! I freeze. It's like he just looks at me and gives a little smile or something and I can't talk! It's crazy. I've never felt so foolish talked to someone as I do him. I'm just screwed. haha
And Ewan was good in 'down with love' but the hickish accent AND the smiling was getting to me, but you can <3 him all you want :)
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