RP Char List

Sep 17, 2019 16:35

Pirates of the Caribbean

onebaddeed -- James Norrington (Fountain of Youth verse)
bestcommodore -- Commodore James Norrington
ustolemahboat -- Anamaria
srslyimdrivin -- Christian Abel, Helmsman of the Dauntless.
lilmermaids -- Andrew Gillette, age 12.
focslesong -- James Norrington (Post-Canon)

Chronicles of Riddick

notmyfight --Richard B. Riddick

Star Trek

headthataway  -- Captain james T. Kirk
zoomzooohshit--Chief Engineer Evan Olson
noslavegirl-- Gaius (63!Gaila)
vtoshkatur-- Sybok (Nu!Trek)

Les Miserables

asluciferfell-- Inspecteur Javert
jetavertis-- Deputy U.S. Marshal Javert (Modernverse)
winecask-- Grantaire
guidelabc-- Combeferre
fanofpoland-- Feuilly

SSX Tricky/SSX3

canseelondon-- Moby Jones

Final Fantasy X

cfenm-- Rikku


effingsociopath-- Jimmy Hopkins

Pirates of the Great Salt Lake

ittastesofsalsa-- Captain Kirk Redgrave

Doctor Who/Torchwood

literaryloser-- Fitz Kreiner
massescarpool-- Captain Jack Harkness
notahappymeal-- The Master (Seventh)
youwillobeyme-- The Master (Simm)

William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew

shrewyou-- Katherine Minola (Modern!Verse)

Boondock Saints

st_veritas-- Connor MacManus

Harry Potter

voldemortout-- Voldemort (AVPM)
xicygni-- Branson Royceston (OC)
viperinae-- Adele Bryant (OC)

Inglourious Basterds
deinennazihoden-- Sgt. Hugo Stiglitz

fallingwstyle-- Buzz Lightyear

Original 'Verses


thnx4cominout-- Alex "Alpha"/"Aries Virgo" Stepanski

Fuzzies (Worldbuilding Project)

didntmeanit-- Eoin "Sanguine" Beattie
abitunhinged-- Catarina "Lupeias" Pagano
hydesyndrome-- Lucille "'Fer" Hunter
jacobinvamp-- Giancarlo "Robespierre" Amadori
sharpdresseddog-- Chase Kardos
redefineit-- Iman
drducks-- Artur Ueli Reiner
werehippie--Sunny Rathbone


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