Could Burn Notice be kicked out of Coconut Grove?

Jul 16, 2012 11:23

A friend of mine saw this on Scott Clements' Twitter and thought this would be of interest to this comm.

Commissioner Marc Sarnoff wants the Expo Center (formerly the Dinner Key Auditorium) to be torn down to make a park. Thing is, Burn Notice shoots a lot of their interiors in the Expo Center. The City Commissioners are thinking of sending the Burn Notice production to Wynwood (if it gets another season), where the Charlie's Angels reboot once filmed, but it will cost the show more money. Those concerned are sending letters and whatnot to Sarnoff telling him they want the Expo Center to stay, and there may be a large protest to save the Expo Center before a City Commission meeting.

If anyone else knows more about this situation, feel free to correct me or add more links.

Articles on Coconut Grove Grapevine:
Is Burn Notice staying or going?
The Expo Center is an amenity not a burden
Thread on USA's forums
Page for Miami's City Officials (Sarnoff's contact information is listed here)

burn notice

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