Just for anyone wondering, so I don't have to explain the story anymore times than I have to...
Last November we went on a church retreat where we played flag football. I got an interception in the game, and to celebrate, this kid (who was bigger than me), jumped on my back, and not expecting it, I twisted and went down. I ended up having to sit out the rest of the game because my back hurt so bad.
After that incident my back would only hurt if I got hit, tackled, or sometimes while weight lifting. It was nothing serious, just had to be careful in those situations. About a month ago, my back started hurting when I woke up in the morning. It wasn't anything big, and was usually gone by the time I got to school.
Last Friday I was helping set up for the assembly and realized we were missing a cable, and that we had a spare one of those cables at my church. So I went to church to go pick it up, and when I bent over to pick up the cable, something hit. My back started hurting like crazy. I'm not sure why it started hurting then, but it did. It was hurting the rest of the day until I took a nap that afternoon, and when I woke up, things were normal.
That night we went to the football game, and since we were late, decided to run from the second parking lot to the stadium. I got about half way around the school when my back starting feeling the same way it did that morning. I went to the game, and due to the crowding on the front row of the bleachers, my back was getting worse. We went to Sonic that night, and I could barely get out of my car. After I sat down and had ate, it took me a good couple of minutes to stand up. Made it home, and went to sleep.
Saturday morning (waking up at 6 for the yard sale) I felt fine. Took some advil, then went and helped at the yard sale. I didn't lift anything just to be safe, and honestly felt like a loser because I kept having to ask these freshman girls to carry stuff for me, because it was too much for me. I helped with the car wash that afternoon, went to work, then to Battle of the Bands. All was fine.
Sunday got up, went to church, went blitzing. Not a problem, but we still called and made a doctor's appointment for Monday morning to figure out what was wrong.
Monday morning went to the doctor and he gave me a couple of things to take, and made a referral to the orthopedist. The appointment would be for next Tuesday. That day I went back to school, went to work, then dodgeball (I reffed, didn't play), then the movie on the field. I was hurting a little bit that night, but nothing too bad. I came home and took the medicine at about 11, and stayed up til midnight to see how it made me feel. I figured everything would feel fine after that, but going to bed that night I felt much worse.
I woke up Tuesday morning, and was in a lot of pain. I still decided to go to school (at 7) and took some more of the medicine. After a little while in Montjoy's room, the pain was awful. I was sitting in a desk, and couldn't get up because the pain was too bad. I called my mom and asked if there was anything I could do, because the medicine can't mix with advil (the only thing that made me feel better) and I couldn't wait until next Tuesday.
After first period I waited for the halls to clear then went to the front office, and followed my mom to the chiropracter. He asked a lot of questions, did a lot of "does this hurt" and took some x-rays. He then said he thought the problem was because my hamstrings weren't very flexible (I never was too good at the sit-and-reach) that I put more stress on my back when I bent over to pick something else, and getting the cable was the final straw. He then told me I could get off the medicine since it was doing nothing, and go back to advil, which made me happy.
I stayed at home the rest of the day. I still had to wait before I could take advil and was in a lot of pain. One example is I got up from the computer chair to go the bathroom (15 feet away) and then I couldn't walk back because it hurt too much. I stayed at home until I went to go pick up a sub for the dance (I didn't actually lift it) and then spaghetti dinner, and off to Walmart. I came home after that, and when I got home the pain was the worst I had ever felt it. I talked with my parents, and even contemplated going to the ER, but I couldn't stand the thought of waiting a couple of hours to get medicine that would knock me out, because I still have a lot to do for WHW. So I just took some more advil and went to bed.
This morning I woke up, still in pain, and was able to walk over to the computer chair, which is where I am now. We were able to get the orthopedist appointment moved to tomorrow morning, along with an MRI. This was possible because the orthopedist is Beaty's uncle, and her mom was able to get us in earlier.
So that's what "I did", in case anyone asks. I hate missing school, especially this week, but I can barely walk, so I'm stuck here at home. I'm planning to get up later and walk around, try and get rid of as much pain as possible so I can still help with the dance tonight.
So there's my story, and please everyone, come to the dance tonight. It should be good.