Title: Meant To Be - Part 3: You're My Hero
Rating: PG?
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters/Pairing: Sherlock/John, Harry
Warning: Slash,
Word Count: 1,015
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Doyle, Sherlock belongs to BBC
Summary: After being rejected by the adoption agency Sherlock has another suggestion.
Author's Notes: Domesticness and DRAMA! But
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Comments 6
Anthea for the girl and Joeseph or Phillip for the boy?
I'm sooooo lovin' this!!
I suggest you go the more Doyle way, Victoria for the girl, off of Queen Victoria, who Holmes was very patriotic to, and Andrew for the boy, which I think was Watson's canonical brother's name (It may have been Henry or James, I can't recall if it was actually mentioned or if those are fan names. @w@)?
Or you can go the complete mythical/Olde English way with the names, but Harry may be laughing her ass off. xD
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