Title: Meant To Be - Part 4: A Much Better Mood For Introductions
Rating: PG
Fandom: Sherlock
Characters/Pairing: Sherlock/John, Harry, Mycroft(finally)
Warning: Slash
Word Count: 1,366
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Doyle, Sherlock belongs to BBC
Summary: After being rejected by the adoption agency Sherlock has another suggestion.
Author's Notes
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Comments 10
The names are perfect, and i like the idea of swiching to different points in there lives!
Keep it up! XD
More is up!
Jumping around the ages would keep things interesting. :)
That's the plan! It's easier to write that way too!
Thanks for reading!
and yay, Margo! I winzd!
I agree with older ages, I'm not a huge baby fan myself. Little kids, adorable, babies, kind of boring. I want to see them talking and having Sherlock teaching them crazy shit little kids shouldn't know about!
Actually the one I just wrote was about John thinking some material was too much for a six year old boy! So we're on the same track!
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Thanks for the awesome name! And jumping will ensue!
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