Title: Mimosa (1/1)
burntcircles Movie-verse: Slumdog Millionaire
Spoilers: YES.
Characters: Jamal, Salim, Latika
Rating/Genre: PG / Het
Length: ~1,500 words
Summary: She came with the rain, and yet she shone brighter than anything he’s ever known. She was his sun.
Disclaimer: I haven’t read Q&A, the novel on which Slumdog Millionaire is based. I own nothing
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Comments 19
I would have to disagree.
So you wouldn’t have known that, even before he made his guess, the man had already won.
I so wanted him to win the money because I just knew that life would be easier if he did. But I also knew that if he didn't, he'd still won just like you said in the line above.
You might have felt that something good had come to the world that night, and you would have been right.
I'm going to cry again. Gorgeous!!
I've seen it for a while and like it very much, especially its music. :)
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