On Sunday, the boy and I jumped into my little spaceship and, after a quick jaunt to acquire a handsomefying outfit for his new job and a bite or two of sushi, we found ourselves parked outside of the Showbox for the Her Space Holiday, The Faint, Bright Eyes show. The rundown: Her Space Holiday was ok, but nothing to write home about. The Faint
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Comments 4
About the music with the cello, thats the stuff. i ve got the same weak spot.
that makes sence though, we are related. haha, luv ya sis,
late--saint agustus the cubby. what was the full name again?
I think it was just St. Agustus the Cubby. I think that was it. Along with Red, Puff Mommy the Wangsta', Porshella!, and whatever Logan's was...his sucked.
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