"you think you know, but you have no idea....this is the diary of Anna Capp"

Dec 27, 2004 23:25

BACK TO WORK! between the holidays and all, today I went back to work after having a great 4 day vacation. I didnt know how much I was working until I actually had some serious sleep. Its great though being back. I love it! Now that I have a car!!! (YEY! FINALLY!!!) I have been having a blast. I got my car on christmas, and drove around all day ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

battlescars____ December 27 2004, 21:16:20 UTC
I LOVE YOU. and i really want to see that movie. haha


burrito_money December 28 2004, 06:05:50 UTC
I LOVE YOU TOO! And I miss you so stinkin' much!!!!! dude! Lets hang out soon!!!! call me!



turtlefood December 28 2004, 09:52:04 UTC
that's the best movie ever


just gotta add... stardust3 December 28 2004, 13:39:20 UTC
WAY weird that your parents bought josh's car...i don't know if i can ride with you in it...that's just weird...and i know stories about that car...hahahahaha
Josh said that he knew you bought it cuz he asked your parents if they knew me or something but he didn't tell me cuz i have a big mouth, but i think he made it up, cuz i don't havea big mouth! hahaha


Re: just gotta add... burrito_money December 28 2004, 20:25:14 UTC
aw haha. um...well, big or little, lets keep your mouth shut about what has happened in that car. haha. I think I know where you are going with this and Im not letting you go any further! Its cool though.
ANYWAYS...DUDE!!! I miss you sooo much! WE HAVE TO HANG OUT!!! OKAY?! OK!


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