you'll always be a caesar in my mind. the incident at the movies where you and the pharoh were both there just proves that he's all talk, i don't think you really have to worry about him. i mean, i thought he was going to tear through you the next chance he had? what happened to that? I read through ron's journal the other day and it's ridiculous because even his friends are starting to be like, "hey man, either do something or stop talking shit" and i think that's hillarious. Three Imaginary Boys does need to start practicing soon. Did we ever find the remaining members? If we are still without a bassist, I call bass for Fascination Street, sweet ass song, sweet ass. Well, I suppose I'll see you at the Taste of Chicago today, Caesar.
i read this you dumb piece of shit. ryan will get whats coming to him, dont worry about that. i choose my battles and my battlegrounds and the movie theater with hundreds of witneses didnt seem like the opportune place to get away with it.
Wow Ron finally saw richmond out in public and didn't do anything, that makes me think, don't hard asses like Ron stick to their words and beat up "pussies." Now that i know that Ron has seen him and didn't do anything it makes me want to mock Ron because i know he won't do anything about it. To all of Rons friends that were sticking up for him and saying how Ron would beat all the people that mocked him up you couldn't have been more wrong. If Ron really hated Richmond that much and wasn't a PUSSY yeah thats right Ron YOU are the PUSSY he would have fought him when he saw him. So Ron stop talking shit and write a song about how you couldn't follow up your statements with actions. *A Friend
just an update: ron has since seen ryan AGAIN in a public place. This time it was Denny's where ron sat in a nearby booth. Come on, ron, where's your cold steel now you douche?
either do something or stop talking shit you faggot
Comments 55
this is really the "blood god" song by UF. For some reason it gets renamed when i put it on my computer...just so everyone knows....
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lets be friends
"oh im not trying to start shit"
I can post in here WHENEVER i feel like it....this is my personal god damn message board
ron has since seen ryan AGAIN in a public place. This time it was Denny's where ron sat in a nearby booth. Come on, ron, where's your cold steel now you douche?
either do something or stop talking shit you faggot
- The Coolest Guy On Earth
-Rico Vigil
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