Beneficial info and excellent design you got here! I want to thank you for sharing your ideas and putting the time into the stuff you publish! Great work!
Wow It is really need to google you and end up here, reading thoughts and feelings from what I still consider to be the beginning of our crush extravaganza. It's now been 9 years since that night I rolled around on the floor in a pile of money and you ran around the block trying to sober up so you could make a move.
I'm so glad all of that happened.
I love you, and I love our life.
I believe I would have texted you something of this nature about 9 years ago today: "<3<3<3 x's 1,000,000 whales singing a gorgeous song that resonates through the depth of the ocean. Forevercore. Yours."
Comments 9
I'm so glad all of that happened.
I love you, and I love our life.
I believe I would have texted you something of this nature about 9 years ago today: "<3<3<3 x's 1,000,000 whales singing a gorgeous song that resonates through the depth of the ocean. Forevercore. Yours."
I still feel that way. I really do.
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