I'm bored, so I'm gonna do one of those survey-type thingies.
I'll LJ-cut it to spare those who don't really care.
>\\ spell your name backwards: nitsuj
>\\ have you ever had a song written about you: No.
>\\ what songs makes you cry: I don't cry.
>\\ what song makes you happy: None. I wish happiness were that simple for me.
>\\ what's your all time fav. song?: Currently, Salva Nos, Genkai Haretsu, FUNK, Embryo (album version)
>\\ what do you listen to before you go to sleep: J-rock
>\\ height: 5'8" or 5'9"...not so sure
>\\ hair color: black
>\\ piercings: none
>\\ tattoos: none yet, possibly in the future
Right Now . . .
>\\ what color pants are you wearing: blue
>\\ what song are you listening to: MARMALADE CHAINSAW - Dir en grey
>\\ what taste is in your mouth? Maxwell House hazelnut coffee
>\\ whats the weather like?: slightly warm, humid
>\\ how are you?: Jaded and growing bitter.
>\\ get motion sickness?: Only when I read in the car.
>\\ have a bad habit?: Profanity, brutal honesty, caffeine addict. I managed to drop porn somehow.
>\\ get along with your parents?: Mom: yeah, I guess. Dad: who knows? Haven't talked to him since Father's Day weekend.
>\\ have a current crush: ....no.
>\\ have any big regrets: Being born in the 20th century. Personally, I think I'd have made an excellent retainer for a feudal lord. But the closest thing nowadays is either Secret Service or bodyguard for a mob boss, and neither of those appeal to me very much.
Favorite . . .
>\\ tv show: I don't watch TV regularly anymore.
>\\ conditioner: whatever works
>\\ book: Essays on Leadership and Crisis Management, Zhuge Liang (yeah, I know it makes me look like a total Dynasty Warriors dork, but I had to pick something, and it's actually not bad.)
>\\ non alchohol drink: coffee
>\\ alchohol drink: I don't drink except on very special occasions
>\\ things to do on the weekend: work, housework, sleep, church
Have You Ever . . .
>\\ broken the law: I'm pleading the 5th on this one.
>\\ ran away from home: No.
>\\ snuck out of the house: No. If I've ever felt like leaving, my mother never stopped me.
>\\ ever gone skinny dipping: No.
>\\ made a prank phone call: Yes.
>\\ tipped over a portapotty: No. I've never been into vandalism without cause.
>\\ used your parents credit card: No.
>\\ skipped school before: Way too much.
>\\ fell asleep in the shower/bath: Almost.
>\\ been in a school play: No. I'm not a thespian.
>\\ had a boyfriend/girlfriend: ....no.
>\\ had children: Nope. Might adopt, though.
>\\ been in love: I thought I was at the time, but now I'm not so sure.
>\\ had a hard time getting over someone: No.
>\\ been hurt?: Yeah. Not in a long time, though.
>\\ gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: Nope.
Random . . .
>\\ have a job: Yeah. And it sucks.
>\\ your cd player has what in it right now: Dust. I need a new CD player.
>\\ if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Brain Matter Gray
>\\ what makes you happy?: I'm not really sure. If I knew, I'd be doing it all the time.
>\\ the next CD you're going to buy: Maybe Rammstein's newest one. Or Pierrot's. I'm not real sure.
When/What Was the Last . . .
>\\ you got a real letter: I got a postcard from Tek a few days ago.
>\\ got an email: Today.
>\\ thing you purchased: #4 at McDonald's.
>\\ Tv program you watched: Vice-Presidential debate.
>\\ movie you saw in the theaters: .....Collateral?
>\\ kissed: I don't remember. It's been a good long time.
>\\ hugged: My guinea pig, Fuzz.
>\\ song heard: MARMALADE CHAINSAW - Dir en grey (I just keep repeating it)
>\\ place you were [ besides home ]: At work.
>\\ phonecall: Voicemail.
>\\ you were depressed: ...now, I guess.
>\\ you were in the hospital: Hospitalized? Never. Seeking the assistance of a physician? When I had those internal hemmorhoids diagnosed. That was last summer.
When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .
>\\ car: I wish I had one....
>\\ murder: I wonder what it's like to kill someone without just cause?
>\\ cape: Too bad they're no longer a viable fashion accessory.
>\\ penis: I've got one.
>\\ cell: I've got several billion of those. Several millions work together to form my penis.
>\\ shoe: I need some new ones.
>\\ fun: Something I rarely have anymore.
>\\ crush: Verb, not a noun.
>\\ music: I should practice more.
>\\ chalk: Green boards.
So, if you're interested in learning something about me, read it.