-i had just ollied this planter gap near a local grocery store a minute or two earlier, but wanted to land it one more time before i left and skated elsewhere. the planter was in the shape of what a "traditional" heart-shape might look like if you streched it out sideways, and the spot where i was ollieing over was where it kind of indented, so it was only a foot or two wide, plus there was about a foot(or a little more?(aboot a "2-3 stair")) drop in height from where i was ollieing to where i was landing.
as i approached the gap, i saw my 'landing spot' early, and felt as though i would have no problems landing it. -when i ollied, my back wheels kinda bumped the initial curb, which caused the board to kinda shift horizontaly beneath me. i tried to turn my body sideways a little bit and spread my feet apart as to not land on my board, but i was looking at where i was landing and didnt notice how the board had repositioned underneath me.
i landed with my left foot on the board, and when my weight fell on it, the skateboard pulled my foot underneath me, bringing all my weight down onto my rolled ankle.
-guess what!? it really fuckin' hurt!!
i shouted "FUCK!", and tried to walk it off, totally grimacing the whole time... growling and clenching my jaw...
i sat down on the curb and felt my ankle throbbing and start to get warm...
i wanted to be home, but there was no way that was going to happen any time soon. i decided to go get some water from one of the vending machines in front of the grocery store. i started walking, but with every movement the pain seemed to grow... i decided that skating would be faster. -i skate "regular" foot, so my left foot is forward. i push with my right foot, so i tried to position my left so i could put my weight on it, but try to keep its movement to a minimum while i pushed... i tried, and it hurt, but it Was a lot faster than walking.
i got to the vending machine and put in my dollar. of course, it spit it back out... i tried again with the same results. i tried another dollar, which the machine liked... then i noticed that ALL of the water was sold out. i was getting pretty bummed/pissed at this point. i threw my board on the ground, then sat down, put my head on my knee, grabbed my ankle and tried to just take the pain, with 'quiet, dignity and grace'...
some guy went walking by and said, "do you always sit on your ass like that?", and kinda chuckled to his buddy. ...that pushed me over the edge... this guy has no idea what i had just been through, and he thinks he can mock me for trying to keep my pain and suffering as much to myself as possible. i got up and looked at him... he was a little older, maybe in his 30s or 40s. he didnt have his shirt on, and i noticed he had a lot of really bad tatoos. he appeared somewhat "white-trashy", really dirty and scrungy. he seemed like he may have dome some jail time in the past... but now im being stereotypical, not to mention digressing from my story....
-i wasnt going to let this guy talk to me like that. i wanted to give him some snide retort, but knew i wouldnt be able to defend myself(run). i stood up, and positioned myself back on my board. i started skating away slowly, then when i was about 15-20 feet away from the guy i yelled, "do you always talk out your ass like that?!"
dude got pissed! he pointed at me angrily, yelled "hey", and started chasing after me. i started skating a little faster, just enough to barely gain some distance from him. i kept telling him to "come on", waving for him to run faster and flipping him off. i had so much pent up energy and adrenaline at that time, and he was helping me release it. i was gonna need all the help i could to get back home...
after i got far enough away from him, i turned my back to him for good, and made my way painfully home... it probably took about 5 minutes, but seemed longer... not to mention i thought there was some crazy guy chasing after me wanting to kick my ass!
-i was so relieved to finally be home! i hopped into the kitchen, grabbed some of my roommates bags of frozen veggies, hopped into my room, then layed on my bed with frozen veggies wrapped as best as i could around my ankle screaming and moaning for about half an hour... the yelling eventually turned to crying...
**mind you, this is all going on during a "sober" period i was going through(~3 weeks at this point). for some stupid reason or another, i decided that i wasnt going to smoke weed for a while... how ironic; i hurt myself the most when im sober.**
i had no "herbal" medication, nor any pain-relievers in pill form, but i had to do something more for the pain other than frozen veggies and elevation(my roommates werent home either)... i didnt want to smoke, because i was still on my "stupid" kick, and the only other thing i could think of that Might help with the pain was alcohol(there was NO way in hell i could get to my 'happy place').
once again, skating would be the fastest means of transportation. i managed to get to the liquor store and back home with minor trouble, or as minor trouble as the cracks in the sidewalk were, which made my ankle pound with every bump. i bought some redrum and a bottle of whiskey. i probably should have had the whisky, but i drank most of the redrum and ended up only having a sip of the whiskey...
i knew that alcohol in my system probably wouldnt help me heal much, or at all, but at the time, i didnt really care. -i was pissed, in pain, and wanted to get my mind off of it all! (
sarilion even "looked" after me over the net, telling me to make sure i drank more water than i thought i should.)
--i had to be at work around 630am to put an ice cream order away. i didnt call in "sick", cuz i was hoping id at least be able to walk by morning. no such luck! i hardly slept all night, then ended up getting up extra early and calling a cab. i had the cab driver drop me off at the grocery store accross the parking lot from my work. i grabbed a cart from outside, then flopped myself on top, using my "good" foot to push myself around. i bought an ice pack, an ace bandage and some advil.
i wrapped up my ankle with the ace bandage and somehow managed to get the ice cream put away in the freezer(im still not sure how i was able to move those 3-gallon (baskin robbins) tubs around). after that, i still had to count out the droors, then set up most of the rest of the store... we have these carts on wheels, and i claimed one as my own. i could put whatever i wanted on top of the cart, then wheel myself around like i did at the grocery store. after getting pretty much everything set up, i decided i couldnt(/shouldnt?) work the rest of the day. i called my boss and told him what happened to me. i told him that i really didnt want to work the rest of the day, and since the store was pretty much set up, all he had to do was 'manage' everything...
he came as quickly as possible(?), and i called a cab. i kept showing everyone how bad my ankle was getting. it had started getting really purple above the arch of my foot, and extremely swollen... my shoe and ace bandage were probably the only things keeping it from exploding :P
when i got home, i went to bed and passed out for a few hours... when my roommates came home, i had to go out and show them the damaged goods... they were pretty much in shock and/or grossed out. i was in hysterics, im not sure why, and i knew that i had to document this injury. i busted out my digital camera (which isnt all to great, i appologize for the grainy pics with poor color) and took as best of pictures as i could, making sure i tried to get some good angles...
These pictures were taken roughly 20 hours after my actual accident...