** Ok AlOt @ saY and a very lil time 2 say it in s0o0o everyone needs 2 listen ^ especially THIS ONE PERSON THAT IT IS REFURRING TO!!
**oK well i dont kno exactly y i am lost between these 2 people...
And stuck in this one spot...
With about 10 places to go.....
and more than a milllion things on my mind
And nothing left to say~!!
BuT :: i can not
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Comments 14
I kNoW wHaTs GoIn On
BuT EvErYtHiN wIlL bE oK!!
u HaVe Me Nd IlL aLwAyS bE
hErE nO MaTtEr WhAt!
JuSt DoNt SpEnD aLl DaY
WoRrY*n AbOuT iT!
ThEy WiLl ReLiZe
JuSt LiKe u
ThAt ThEy MaDe A mIsTaKe!!
I lOvE u ChIcK!!
u KnOw mY #~calL wHeN~
EvEr u WaNt!!
I lOvE lOvE lOvE lOvE lOve x10 YoU!
<3 karley
~Buh~Bye~ ~Jessica~
<3 I LOve Sk8erpunk <3
<3 karley
♥ *541-6923*cell
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
<3 karley
<3 karley
I feel like every thing i do is a mistake, but its really hard for me, and im sorry that its so hard for me to let you go but you just mean everything to me. All i seem to do is think about you. i thought i could have made everything back to normal but all i do is make things worse. Im really sorry for everything. ive never been as close to anyone like i was with you. thanks for always being there when i needed you and i guess you were right when you said nothing last forever. i will always love you!
love aj
<3 karley
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