Feb 19, 2005 06:10

Welcome to the world of G rated non-profanity! This week has been awful. This happened at home. Things happened at school. Things happened at work. Things happen everywhere. There are problems with my sister. Problems with my parents, but not with me. There are problems with my extended family. There are problems at work. There were/are problems ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

pink_chucks_07 February 19 2005, 19:47:37 UTC
Quinney my love...

I'm sorry you had a crummy week =( I'll give ya a HUGE hug next time I see you! Don't apologize for being "down-in-the-dumps"; everyone has bad weeks and is allowed to be a little bummed out about it, you are NO exception. I love you to death Hun and I hope things get better for ya. Let me know if there's anything I can do. ♥


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