
Apr 18, 2011 18:37


age 29
birthdate April 9th
location New Detroit
family Father
birthplace New Detroit

pets Cat, Sapphire
likes money and power
dislikes Misfits
fears it's a secret
strengths very intelligent
weaknesses arrogance
affiliation Facility
enemies The Resistance
friends lol

color Green
food Fish
smell clean
hobby torturing misfits
animal cats

on the outside
height 6 feet
hair colour curly brown
eye colour blue
posture perfect
style clean and neat

player Sparky
played by Hugh Dancy
LJ unactive
contact PM this account please

On the outside, Mads is very calm and sophistocated. He is very refined and likes his surroundings to reflect that. You might say he's a touch OCD, as you'll see him constantly arranging (or rearranging) various items, ranging from pictures on the wall to the items on his desk. He keeps his personal affects very neat and orderly. He is very rigid and adheres to a schedule and ensures his hired help knows how things are supposed to go. Deviations from this schedule tend to make Mads angry and are grounds for immediate dismissal. He's gone through 17 assistants that way.

He seems very pleasant, but extremely intimidating, because he is very condescending when he's talking to people. He's very quick to judge on a glanc and anyone he feels is unworthy of his time or attention are usually brushed aside without a second thought. Misfits are especially low on the totem pole to Mads. He refers to them as 'it' and ignores the hypocrisy of this mindset.

He is very cunning and always seems to know what someone is thinking (HINT). What makes him dangerous, however, is the fact that Mads has very little regard for human life. If a person is standing in the way of something he wants, he has no problem pushing them aside. He's power hungry and obsessive, but can be a fairly decent person to know. If you can get on his good side. And stay there.

When Michael Coen was born, his family was dirt poor. His father worked construction and was paid very little for his work. Their family struggled for many, many years. Still Michael was a relatively happy child. He went to school, got good grades, had decent friends. As he got older, however, his home life became more and more volatile and the little boy couldn't understand why. His mother was very rarely home and his father was almost constantly angry.

As it was, his mother was in fact a Misfit and his father was getting tired of keeping her secret. She was putting their family in jeopardy by living there with them and by having an association with the Undergound. He was constantly being questioned by Facility Members and this was cutting deeply into the wages he could be earning. One night, when Michael was about 10 years old, two men in white came to his house and took his mother away. The commotion it caused woke the boy and he watched from the top of the stairs while they dragged his mother away. This was the last time Michael saw her for several years. Things began to change drastically once Michael's mother vanished. His father was offered a promotion and was able to move his son out of the slums. He began filling Michael's head with Misfit propoganda. He was told they were horrible beasts who should be dealt with, that his mother loved them more than she loved him. Michael began to resent misfits then, for taking her away from him.

This began his fascination with the Facility. His friends noticed this change in him and began avoiding him. He would linger by the building on his way to and from school. With his secular school finished, Michael disappeared from New Detroit.

During his college years, Michael managed to land a job as an intern at the Facility where his mother was being held. He took the job without any hesitation and returned to New Detroit quietly. He saw his mother again for the first time in years. She looked decrepit and hollow. She seemed so happy to see her son, but was puzzled by his cold and downright cruel treatment of her.

After some time passed, Michael was eventually promoted to head the experimental department of the Facility. During a particularly violent experiment, Michael came down to watch, because the victim happened to be his very own parent. As she was wheeled into the room, she asked him in a very quiet voice "Are you mad?" He simply smiled and said nothing.

His mother died that day. And Michael changed his name.

✘ His birth name is in fact Michael Coen
✘ He has a scar under his left eye
✘ His cat is white with blue eyes. She is affectionately called Sapphire
✘ He loves cats more than people
✘ He doesn't speak to his father as often as people believe

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