
Nov 18, 2010 09:21

[ Character ] Mieu (aka "Thing" or "Butazaru")
[ Canon ] Tales of the Abyss
[ Canon Point ] Early game

[ Gender ] "Master, Mieu is a boy!"
[ Age ] Young (roughly the Cheagle equivalent of 10 years old)
[ Birthday ] [unknown]
[ Eyes ] Blue
[ Hair Fur ] Turquoise and white
[ Height ] 30cm (just under 1')
[ Weight ] [unknown]
[ Blood Type ] [unknown]
[ Voice ] Maruyama Miki (JPN), Sandy Fox (ENG)
[ Family ] The other Cheagles, Luke fon Fabre (Master)
[ Other ] Has the Sorcerer's Ring around his waist

[ Background/History ]
Mieu is a very young cheagle, the human equivalent of a pre-teen. While messing around in a forest north of the Cheagle Woods not long before the start of the game, he accidentally set the forest on fire, causing the Liger Queen to relocate to the Cheagle Woods, and the cheagles to have to start stealing food from Engeve.

[ Personality ]
Mieu has three main facets of his personality: Naive, Loyal, and Perky.

Naive- Not only is Mieu young, but he was raised in a completely different culture from humans. Due to this, Mieu does not understand much about the way humans work, and just sort of "goes with the flow", letting everyone else tell him things. He doesn't even realize that when Luke calls him "Thing", he's being insulted, even after it's pointed out to him later. However, his naivete can also be an asset, as with the idea of "the innocence of children". If he doesn't know any better, he also doesn't know that something won't work, and therefore is not limited into thinking the way the world says things "should" work.

Loyal- Mieu is loyal. Regardless of the crappy way he's treated, he will stick by Luke, and not just because of his exile. Luke saved Mieu's life, and, in return, Luke unwittingly earned Mieu's loyalty. Like Van's subordinates, Mieu has his reasons for following Luke, and, even if he may not agree with Luke's methods (such as using Mieu as a projectile weapon), he will still go along with Luke. Not that Luke and Mieu are the greatest team, however...

Perky- Mieu does not have a calm bone in his body. When he's not excited and bouncy and hyper, he's still big-eyed and eager. Even when he's down, he can turn around and perk right back up with a compliment, even if that compliment is followed by an insult. Anise and Mieu make a dangerous pair, if Jade could figure out how to bottle up that energy, the party would never have to worry about money again.

[ Specialties and Abilities ]
Meiu naturally has no special abilities (his writing ability is the same as Luke's... which can't be that great), because he is not yet old enough to breathe fire as an adult cheagle can. However, the Sorcerer's Ring grants him certain abilities:
Mieu Fire: Using the 5th fonon, the Sorcerer's Ring allows Mieu to breathe fire. Luke often uses this as a weapon. However, parts of the fon-verse inscribed on the Sorcerer's Ring are damaged...

Abilities Mieu will gain if the Sorcerer's Ring is enhanced or repaired are as follows:
Mieu Attack: Using the 2nd fonon, the Sorcerer's Ring allows Mieu to hurl himself quickly at an enemy or object, with strength enough to break boxes or even stone!
Mieu Wings: Using the 3rd fonon, the Sorcerer's Ring allows Mieu to fly limited distances.
Mieu Fire 2: Using a gathering of the 5th fonon found in Mt. Zaleho, the original fon-verse on the Sorcerer's Ring is restored, allowing Mieu further distance and more power with his original Fire attack.


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