Aw LoOk...

Feb 22, 2005 22:27

damn im finally catching up with technology! haha WhaT nOW!? Well i hope everyone enjoys this... haha doubt it but i just want to be in the loop of things and have fun making of my own!
...hONesTly i beTTEr gO to BEd thOUgH! i have to MeEt tOR at MoBiL hELLA early tomorrow!
GoODnIGht xO

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Comments 5

schmoop February 24 2005, 03:39:13 UTC
Ugh... (jaykay)

Well i love hanging out with you and i'm glad we basically got pretty tight pretty quick, and i'm still workin my way up. It makes me happy. I am glad that you liked the Laffy Taffys, if u play your cards right there might be some more in your future. ;) But i can feel the love, thank you for making me feel like i'm somewhat cool in your oh so good looking eyes. ♥


x_prettynpink_o February 24 2005, 05:15:20 UTC
HeY bAbE! i'M aDDiNg YoU tO mY fRiEnD's LisT... aS lOnG aS tHaT's OkAy WiTh YoU. hAhA
xOxO cAsEy


CuTe.. butifuletdown23 February 24 2005, 23:01:29 UTC
hah yOUr So cUtE! ANd YeS fOR sURe dO that.. I wOULD tOo buT i HAveNT fIGurEd OUt hOW TO wORk tHIS aLL YeT! xO


>> diRtY sLuT << anonymous February 25 2005, 01:47:09 UTC
sO baSicaLLy i thiNk uR a WhOrEbaG.. n thE biGgeST dIrTbaLL i *kNoW*! yOu aRe a //HoMie HoE\\ aNd BaSicaLLy yOu aRe a >GrEeNBeaN<.. haha SaNgeY waNgeY yOu aRe aN oFFiciaL -baShA beaR- nOw witH uR liVe jOuRnaL n aLL.. i Guess iM stiLL ::SlaCkiN:: haha wEll i lOvE yoU muCho n wE neEd tO geT yOU oNe oF thoSe cuTe piCturEs liKE evERyoNE eLsE!! oKaY iM sUrE iLL bE taLkiN tO yOU iN tHe neXt 3 miNuteS oR sO.. loL liKe aLwaYs

lovE uR :+: BaBy C :+: aKa tOr tOr : )


Re: >> diRtY sLuT << butifuletdown23 February 26 2005, 00:32:46 UTC
DuH its hOW we HAvE aLWAYs rOLLEd hOW cOULd yOU PuT aLL my SHiT On BLaST LiKE that..gOd TOri i thOUghT wE wErE frIeNDS. hahahaha weLL baSiCaLLY i LiKe beINg a //whORe\\ iF u wEReNt the ViRgIn MARy yOU wOuLd underSTand hahaha ok tOtaLLY jOkINg bUT i miSSeD yOU tOday...aaahhh TeAR!!!!!!!!!! ok weLL baSicALLY im abOUT tO caLL u RIght nOW sO its PoiNtLESS buT stiLL whaaaaTeVer! LuV u MuChO


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