((LeTs See))

Feb 25, 2005 17:42

sOo the WeEK has COmE n GOne and nothing THAT exciting happened! everything has been pretty chill lately...i caught up with all the chandler girlies haha naw pretty much just one yesterday that was fun! i FINALLY got a naked skin girl for my car with britt aaahhh i was SO happy! haha total lesbo power right there. (HAHA tor ok i know your laughing ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

~ yOuR #1 loVeR ~ anonymous February 26 2005, 07:13:50 UTC
heY fiNaLLy gOT mY //oWn\\ JouRnaL biA buT iTS this.. heavnsbestALM k?! i duNnO hoW weLL iT wOrkS oR whaT noT.. buT i waNteD tO bE cOOl liKE YOU! bUT *duH* i tOtaLLy viBe oN uR =LeZbO sKiN STickerS= haha (nO eXpLaiNaTiOn NeEdeD) .. aNd fOr thaT aShleY thinG aLL i haVe tO saY iS >dIrTbaLL STaTuS< Oh mY oH mY! but i misSeD yOU tOdaY tOO.. n iM suRe aLL uR ClaSseS n luNcH sUckeD baLLs witHouT yOuR bFf! :) haha wElL gaNgsTeR iTs oNlY 1215 n mY aSs iS aLreaDy hoMe.. iS thiS a MiraClE? haha tOniGht waS prettY gaY n i FeEl liKE sHiT! sOo iLL caLL yOU iN tHe :aM: tO gO CAR SHOPPING!!! LoVe yOU tO tHe mOoN n bacK mY oNe n oNlY gReENBeaN!

<3 aLwaYs uR *viRgiN MaRy* ;)


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