My naym iz brandie baish!plasticisfakeMay 11 2005, 02:11:12 UTC
here's the personal question... does it make you happy knowing that youre spreading Sean Brice/Katrina herpes around our school? I think its exciting to pass might want to get checked for that, sorry....maybe clymedia too...
haha stupid baish! one day im going to shave off your eyebrows and tape them to katrina's cat's ass(that's mr. bojangles's ass) and when you try to rape it, you will be shocked...seeing your own eyebrows there, on its ass... so then i will pick it up by its tail and throw it at your eyebrowless face! ....I hope it shits on you!
no 1 bothers to comment but this vangina Mc. FILth thanks guys thanks i guess i know who can actually stand to be around me...i htink ill go die now! oh yea u wouldnt CARE!!!
Comments 6
does it make you happy knowing that youre spreading Sean Brice/Katrina herpes around our school?
I think its exciting to pass might want to get checked for that, sorry....maybe clymedia too...
haha stupid baish! one day im going to shave off your eyebrows and tape them to katrina's cat's ass(that's mr. bojangles's ass) and when you try to rape it, you will be shocked...seeing your own eyebrows there, on its ass... so then i will pick it up by its tail and throw it at your eyebrowless face!
....I hope it shits on you!
we rtalk about ass fucking waay...too much
it makes me wanna kill my self
haha...dirty goats...that reminds me of your mom!
but this vangina Mc. FILth thanks guys
thanks i guess i know who can actually
stand to be around me...i htink ill go
die now! oh yea u wouldnt CARE!!!
i think your queefy McShitstein...and a filthy A-whore!
i tried to shit but only farted...DAMNT!
how come this always happens to me
ur almost as cute as dirty goats but then again...
they make me feel tingly inside ;-D
like ur mom...
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