the basics: sleeping, eating, breathing, etc. no surprise there
the other basics: checked my email, chatted online, called my mom, again, no surprise there
ridden my bike
gone shopping - bought plates, flatware, etc. and an umbrella. after it finally stopped raining. go figure.
driven and ridden in a car
hit it off - really well - with *gasp* a girl. does this mean i'm not doomed to have all my best friends be guys for the rest of my life? ;) love ya guys!
directed traffic to available parking for the on-campus wedding of a professor, got invited/went to the reception, met the photographer who is also a src alum and hit it off with him and made arrangements to give his daughter swim lessons
gotten really down and overwhelmed by thinking about all the things i want to learn. sometimes i feel helpless and incompetant because i feel like i will never make a dent in all this stuff, like i'll never have the knowledge and skills i really want to have
gone to work
crocheted this little bag-thing to carry my (empty glass soda) h2o bottle around in. it made me feel clever
had the brilliant idea to invite my (lonely) grandma to come visit me this summer
gotten frustrated with myself for still being in love
accepted that i'm still in love but also acknowledging that time/distance/lonliness are making it feel very abstract
gotten frustrated at the situation that's making me not sure where i stand with him
had my "trigger points" beaten half to death but i feel better for it... my shoulders are rock hard and it doesn't hurt... thank god i stretch fairly often or i wouldn't have any flexibility/mobility either
received and recognized someone else's mental energy (as opposed to emotional energy), though i'm not sure she was aware that she was sending it out so strongly
realized that the secondary place where i hold tension is in my forehead/around my eyes, courtesy of the nerves that run up my neck and which are connected to that part of my face... and i've been tense there more often than ever before lately. where's it all coming from? maybe i'm just shifting it from my shoulders to my face because i'm thinking so hard about relaxing my shoulders? well, anyway, apparently it gives me a look of "intensity" and i try not to freak people out with it
listened to music
taught one of my kids how to crochet (sort of)
thought about how beautiful my sisters are, in all the best senses of the word
remembered that this is "fair week" and felt strangely alienated from my family/my upbringing
laughed, giggled, smiled
grinned because i thought about how happy my friend is with her first real boyfriend
had a fix of "girl talk"
eaten ice cream and hung out in town talking/gossipping about src administration and current affairs
gone "above and beyond" the requirements because i love to help (especially my friends)
commented in friends' journals
and now, updated my livejournal
wow. when i think about it, that's kind of a lot of stuff, and i really still think that i didn't do anything on sunday... well, i didn't, until almost the evening. i need to do this more often. it's sorta like counting my blessings... my life is full even if i'm not always totally satisfied with every little aspect.