wow alot has happened since the last time i wrote. yea i cant hang out with my 2 best friends anymore...dont wana get into that cuz EVERYONE already knows why
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im glad you liekd the comment there wil be many mroe to come i think i might have a thing for someone to i dunno who it might be but ill have tosee if it faids or not i wish it never happened but oh well what cme sjhust coems as it will thanx for beinmg a great person and not freaking out hope to maybe see u soon
bonjour mon amie![sorry ashton says it and i like it]uhh, i so was not in your last entry and i expect to be in everyone just like kate, but you know, whatever. im gonna be so grounded,shit. oh well. not like we'd ne hanging out anyways.[:'(] someone needs to talk some sense into your mother, seriously. why is he being so weird? its scaring he shit outta me. they're ALL the SAME. its sad. you and michael-hahahaha youre evil...and thats why i love you:-) im gonna go watch SEETHER AND AMY ON JAY LENO PERFORM BROKEN bc its our song and jay is awesome...HAHA. sorry read that over...i mean jay LENO{there should be a W here but nooo,not related:-(} though.
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-someone who cares
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