Title: Interventions
Pairing: Simm!Master/Ten!Doctor, Jack/Ianto
Author: Buttercup
Contact: Buttercupgaud@aol.com
Rating: Let’s say R to be safe, but might be PG-13
Warnings: None really. Mild spoiler for ep1 series 2, now.
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, they belong to Russel T and the beeb.
Summary: The Doctor wakes up
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Comments 33
Really well done!
oh and in there you spelled "passed" when you meant "past" other then that it was great as always.
I think u've got the characters down pretty well, the only one I have a problem with is Jack. I know he usually doesn't talk about his past, and if he does it's not a specific answer, or not even an answer at all. But based on the new season (I know this fic doesn't really follow/include the new season) and even what happened during the year that never was, u'd think he'd learn by now that he has to open up more about his past with Ianto if he loves him like he says he does, cares about him, and wants Ianto to stay and be with him. *sigh* Or perhaps I just don't like Jack being a stupid git.
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Just one little thing - in the third last paragraph you said "reek" where I'm fairly certin you meant "wreak".
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