Hi, I might have some articles from SFX and Starbust from when TW came out. Would you like a copy or do you want to borrow mine? As for branding its not so much the branding but the lack of merch I hate regarding TW.
Thank you so much! Anything that would be most eay for you, to be honest. I just need to be able to read and reference them, so as I say, whatever would be easiest for you.
First off, if anyone has any links to articles that they think would be useful, could you post them here? Especially about big events, e.g. David Tennant being announced as the new Doctor. Or Billie Piper coming back. Best of all, stories relating the to run up to the launch of the new show, and Torchwood, and Sarah-Jane. Oh and thinking about it, any books that you might have read about the show, either Crit. or otherwise. I'll look into gettting them as well.
Jeebus!!! :) I think you're going to be bombarded with links! It's easy enough to just google them all too!
Heh, not so far. But bombarded is good to be honest. I need everything I can get in order to get what I'm aiming for. Googling was my next step. Thought this might be a more ordered place to start, epsecially with people suggesting articles.
Thanks for agreeing. I'll keep this post as a reminded and contact you when I have someting intelligent to ask!
I wouldn't mind being interviewed. Areas of interest might be perspective from a fan who is outside of the UK, the way CBC has handled the show, fan opinion of fair use of copyrighted material, etc.
Not sure if you know of it or were involved but there was a whoniverse conference last month where lots of academic fans got together. They have an LJ whoniverse_conf and may be a source of interest.
Most of the news I've found have mainly come from places like the BBC and DWM.
I was agree, my dissertation supervisor was the key note speaker, and my ex-housemate is involved with a pod-cast. Sadly for me I was working all that weekend, but I have spies everywhere.
I'll be checking back through the BBC website, although it's not the most user-friendly to search.
Comments 20
Cat, working on a PC from the dark ages.
Cat xx
Jeebus!!! :) I think you're going to be bombarded with links! It's easy enough to just google them all too!
And I like being interviewed! ;)
Thanks for agreeing. I'll keep this post as a reminded and contact you when I have someting intelligent to ask!
I wouldn't mind being interviewed. Areas of interest might be perspective from a fan who is outside of the UK, the way CBC has handled the show, fan opinion of fair use of copyrighted material, etc.
Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed. I'll keep this post as a reminded and contact you when I have someting intelligent to ask!
Most of the news I've found have mainly come from places like the BBC and DWM.
Good luck with the paper (:
I'll be checking back through the BBC website, although it's not the most user-friendly to search.
Thanks! :)
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