catch your breath

May 23, 2009 23:00

It is now time for a more meaningful post - hooray! I realize my last few - several - have been a bit scant on details, so I figured i should sit and actually journal/blog for a bit. Wonderful, wonderful.

It's Memorial Day Weekend. I have also dubbed this the Weekend Where God Reminds Me He Loves Me, because it is the first break I have had ALL QUARTER. I have a three-day weekend, so there are no classes on Monday and I don't have to be back on campus until seven. This week is going to be so easy and wonderful...I mean, it will be stressful in ways, but it'll also be zomgosh amazing because for once there are NO PLAYSCRIPT ANALYSIS PAPERS! Yes, those giant papers I have been writing every other day for the past week? NO MORE. ALL DONE. I only have one more paper due for that class and than two giant group projects, which, okay, fine, they're monstrous, BUT NO MORE LAST-MINUTE-LATE-NIGHT-PAPERS WHEEE-HEE.

Anyway, today. Last night I decided I was going to spend the next twenty-four hours not thinking about homework and not even doing homework and just not worrying about everything that has to get done. And I did! It was a good day. I stayed up until 12ish writing, woke up at 9, talked with Dad during breakfast, and went out for a day with mom. We went up to Stanwood to visit her parents' graves, and in the process ran into my Uncle David...he owns the big plot of land next to the graveyard and we saw him riding his tractor around and so we drove over to say hello. It turned into a two-hour affair that I wasn't really pleased with but y'know, family is family, and even though it's awkward at's family. He took us (mom and me) on a tour of his land and explained how he was planning to convert it into an outdoor museum and a kid's park. it's a really neat idea and I hope he can get it done/lives to see it, he's not in the best of shape and is in fact going to have surgery to cut out some cancer in two weeks. Oh boy. Um, anyway, so then we took him to lunch and he paid for it (the waitress thought he was my father - um okay, sure), then we dropped him off and Mom and I went on our way.

We'd originally had meant to get to the shopping mall before noon, but it was almost two by the time we pulled up. Whoops. In a way it was a good thing, because the outlet mall was soooo crowded since it was Memorial Day weekend. We literally just went to the Banana Republic and Fossil and then left, neither of us could stand the crowds anymore. Still, I bought a sundress at BR - I have to remind myself that I do indeed have the money to spend on clothes once in a while (I hoard my money like crazy and never let it see the light of day ever), and since I have been wanting a nice sundress for a while, and this one looks really good, I should not balk at the price and buy it. SO I DID. It was 40% off anyway, not bad, and it's reeeeeally cute.

I've noticed in my time at SPU that people tend to dress a whole lot better than people in high school did, or even the people I'm used to hanging out with. Jeans and tees are common, yes, but the majority of people are more fashionable and professional looking, which I respect, understand, and admire. So in light of that and in light of my being in college I am realizing that it's time to step my warddrobe up. Not that I'm wearing unfashionable clothes, I do have nice things, but they're not Professional Nice, which is where I want to be at before I graduate. So pretty much any clothes that I buy from now on I am gearing towards the nicer, more sophisticated style of clothing. Yes, it means they are a bit more expensive, but good clothes last and are an investment, and if you feel good and look good in them, that's so worth the price tag.

So today I bought a nice teal-blue sundress at Banana Republic (and later did their online survey which nabbed me a 15% discount coupon for my next trip there - SCORE), and a half-sweater at Macy's (which I got for a third of the price, DOUBLE SCORE), and it is---guess what--YELLOW. IT IS ADORABLE. It is my first piece of yellow clothing since I can't remember when, since I moved here at least, and it is adorable and fashionable and I love it so much. It's a half-sweater, so it doesn't reach my waist, but it has three-quarter sleeves that fit at the bottom, but otherwise there is plenty of fabric and it drapes to the shoulders. It's adorable and I love it so much. I never thought I'd wear yellow but y'know, never say never :)

Wheee! Tomorrow/Monday Mom and I are stopping at Old Navy or Marshall's (FINALLY less expensive places), and I will be buying tank tops, I think, because you can never have too many and I crave more now that I have adorable things to wear over them. Also, if I get a red or a white one I can match them to my red-and-white skirt that goes with SO LITTLE. I love that skirt but it's so hard to find things that match it.

Eeeee fashion. I'm glad I have the money saved to be able to afford and treat myself to these clothes. Good clothes make me feel so good about myself. I used to hate shopping, can you believe it? I don't know what I was thinking ;)

In other news, this weekend TLC is having a Jon and Kate Plus 8 Marathon. I LOVE THAT SHOW. I love watching the little kids and all the neat things they do as they grow and learn. I'm really starting to get a little ticked off at Kate and her all-controlling-attitude and the way that she treats her husband like just another child, but some women are very...domineering and know exactly how everything has to be done, all the time, so it's not my place to judge. Still I love watching the children, they're so cuuuute.

Nothing much else happened today...i talked with Clarissa for an hour, that was nice :)

I suppose now that today is almost over I really should make up my to-do list for the next two days/this week so I know what I have to get done.

7pm: back on campus
7:30pm: See Rock City preview

8:30am: Aural Skills Performance Final (study??)
10:30am: Stage Movement (look up animals on youtube)
1:00pm: Theatre Forum
2:00pm: Piano lesson
3:00pm: ProPrac
5:00pm: voice accompaniment
8:45pm: register for dorm next year! Fingers crossed for Moyer!
9:30pm: Theatre Girls' Night Out! :D I get to be dressy!

8:00am: Music Theory 10-measure piece (CALL NATASHA, OOPS)
9:30am: My Name Is Asher Lev - read
playscript, proprac, etc.
5:00pm: dinner with Katie and Rickie
8:00pm: Narnia-watching with them

10:30am: Stage Movement
1:00pm: Perform at Practicum Musicum
3:00pm: proprac
that night: ASHTON BALL! :D I get to be dressy again!

if I don't go to keyboarding (which I don't think I will) my first class is not until 12:30. I AM EXCITED.

SEE ROCK CITY strike at 3pm, SPAM picnic to follow

Seeing SHOWBOAT with grandma and mom, get to be dressy - again! :D

Further due dates:
Tuesday June 2: Aural Skills Paper Final
Wednesday, June 3: Chekov full-play presentation for Playscript Analysis. I think this is also the day we are supposed to go to the Seattle Art Museum for UCOR but I don't think that fits into my schedule...uh-oh.
Thursday June 4: Practicum for vocalist
Friday, June 5: Piano Jury (AAAH)
Saturday, June 6: SPAM AWARDS, 7:30pm, dressy! :D
Monday, June 8: READING DAY YAY
Tuesday, June 9: Music Theory final
Wednesday, June 10: UCOR final, UCOR art history paper due, Playscript Analysis Chekov one-act play presentation
Thursday, June 11: Stage Movement Final


This weekend to-do list:

go to Safeway - things for Brian's recital, things for SPAM, deposit check from last weekend
Music Theory piece
re-read Three Sisters, look at potential Good Scenes
research animals (youtube)
unpack big bag of duffel doom
email Gards about that one Monday I can't sit for them
finish reading Asher Lev (which I left at school, way to go me)

begin research for UCOR paper part B
re-read The Proposal, pick which part I want, begin gathering ideas

That actually is not as much as I thought it was o.o To do all that in two days? We can make it! \o/

Hope you are all well, dear flist. I will be able to rejoin the world of the internets someday soon! Summer projects, summer days, summer friends, hold on just a little bit longer!


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