I completely stole this from
itachitachi because she is awesome. <3
Major life changes? Same old same old?I mean I guess since the last time I posted there've been some major changes. I'm 25 racing towards 26. I've been out of my undergrad for three full years heading for four. This fall I'm really trying to buckle down and complete my applications to
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Comments 4
- when it happens it does just happen, and I understand the frustration when it doesn't. :( it sucks that you're uncomfortable in that relationship, but that's definitely a cue to get out soon. The most basic aspect of a relationship that's going to work is just wanting to be around them. If you don't have that very solidly, then there's no way it can work long term...
- grad school!! good luck! music school will obvs be different from what I know, but if you want any advice or help from me just shout out and I'll be there!
- YOU SHOULD WATCH HAIKYUU :))))))) or kuroko no basuke?? idk. haikyuu is cuter, knb is more classic sports anime. not quite as crazy as prince of tennis, but they are all a big happy family. ahhh~~
- i miss you! let's skype sometime or chat on the phone phone! I have US texting too, I dunno about you!
- Thank you for the advice. It's not that he makes me creepy-uncomfortable, I'm just like…eh, no thanks. Your words are very encouraging to me <3 If he and I could just be friends it would be perfect, he's fun to be around when I'm not stressing about the physical stuff. And I don't want to be stressing when I'm dating someone.
- :D YAY! Help me!! How did you find your grad school? Did you google? Google and I are having a love/hate relationship right now as far as schools are concerned.
- :D MAYBE I WILL! Which is better? All of the above?
- YES YES YES! I have international texting now too! (I think?) and I definitely have US texting. And Skype! Yes! <33
That is also a good point for accreditation. I don't know where I want to end up quite yet, but I don't think I want to teach solidly in a K-12 situation, so accreditation might not be too big of a stumbling block? I wouldn't mind teaching in a private school or at the college level, really - the college level would be somewhat of an ideal. And then there's a part of me that isn't really sure this is what I want at all but I'm tired of not doing anything, and this seems like something I can do….
- :D Yay fandom!! Remember the days we would stay up all nigh t watching Tenipuri?
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