Okay...WHY did he have to IM me...and I'm the stupid one that considers it every single time even though I know he'll go back to her, just because I'm lonely. My side notes are in bold italics...he's got that funny guy appeal I guess. *shrugs*
Mike: Hey you, remember me?
Mike: Hello?? Knock,knock?? I know it's been awhile
Moi: Hey...did you im me a little while ago?
Mike: just a couple a minutes earlier
Moi: ok...my mom's an idiot.
Mike: well I'm glad I didn't say anything bad
Mike: :-)
Moi: LOL
Moi: what's up?
Mike: not a whole lot, how've you been?
Moi: I'm still kickin
Moi: you?
Mike: about the same
Mike: lame ass life that I lead
Moi: LOL mine is lame too.
Mike: how's the love life? How'd I KNOW that was coming?
Moi: non-existant
Moi: and yours?
Mike: still progressing as slow as always
Moi: LOL
Moi: You gonna marry her any time this century? and still try to get ass on the side? Oh...to be your woman... *swoon*
Mike: this century?? probably
Moi: ROFL how about this decade?
Moi: yeah probably
Moi: Well congrats!
Mike: thanks, wanna be my bachelor party?
Moi: Though the offer's tempting, I'm going to have to decline. Nicely trying to say no here...
Mike: awww darn why not
Moi: so you just imed me for a piece of ass, huh?
Mike: no I IMed you because I haven't been on in a long ass time
Mike: piece of ass I'd have just asked you for
Moi: Oh so now you wouldn't want a piece of ass from me! Couldn't resist...I need to feel wanted every now and then!
Moi: (I have this woman thing down. :-D)
Mike: head would suffice
Mike: =-O
Moi: LOL You're horrible.
Moi: You're practically a married man! Now he'll bring up....
Mike: ahhh yes but not married yet...no chain on the finger
Moi: Yeah, well, you're with her.
Mike: I was before, didn't seem to bother you then knew it was coming
Moi: Forgive me, for I do not know what I do. :-D
Mike: you knew it that day I'll tell you
Moi: Pig
Mike: you liked it sort of and I know it I did? Well, okay...maybe until you pulled your boxers off...
Moi: you do?
Moi: how do you know it?
Mike: hoping you did?
Moi: The world may never know ;-) Why can't I just be a bitch and tell him the only reason I knew it happened was because he came?
Mike: well I know I wasn't too much for you That's not saying much when I'm not exactly "loose." Hey, it's okay...at least you realize it.
Moi: how do you know that?
Mike: I'm not too much for anyone
Moi: You were too much for me...I've sworn off sex. Damnit Shana...be a bitch.
Mike: yeah sure
Moi: I have
Moi: I'm in the nunnery
Mike: too bad you were nice
Moi: LOL yeah right...I have no idea what I'm doing. He was a friend first...I guess I remembered that...
Mike: well practice makes perfect
Moi: and once I find a man to practice with.... ;-)
Mike: how about a boy dressed as a man? THIS is the shit I fall for...ain't that sad?
Moi: Been there, done that. ;-)
Mike: you say that like it's a bad thing If you only knew...
Moi: I do?
Mike: well that's what it sounds like
Moi: You're a good friend Mike, just not someone I'd want to be with.
Mike: can't say as I blame you on that one
Moi: Don't say that. actually...I can't blame myself either
Mike: well I'm not that big of a catch, and almost as hard on myself as you are to yourself
Moi: You shouldn't be. I said that because you're with whatsherface...I want more than what you can give me... well...that's one reason at least
Mike: yeah but it grew an inch;-) that makes it 2" now, right?
Moi: LMFAO! Mike!
Mike: well I try
Moi: and I love ya for it. a little honesty...I do love his sense of humor.
Mike: cool, but can I see your boobies again? BOOBIES? WTF?
Moi: My boobies are sacred.
Mike: well then how about it all?
Moi: My body is a temple. yeah I watched The Sweetest Thing this morning...was thinking of the movie line...his penis wasn't the star though
Mike: then aloow me to deposit an offering
Moi: No deposit box...
Mike: I must be off to help my cousin decorate her reception so you ARE getting married!
Moi: LOL have fun hun. Don't be a stranger
Mike: well then I'll repaint the outside of the temple
Mike: :-P
Moi: Zoning ordinances forbid it. ;-)
Mike: Be good Shan
Mike: well if properly greased, zoning can be done
Moi: LMFAO ok you win damnit...I don't have anything
Mike: Talk to you later killer
Moi: take it easy tiger.
Mike: rub yourself once for me for old times sake sorry...I have a headache
Moi: Make sure to clean up after you blow your load thinking of me ;-)
Mike: typing with one hand is rather difficult
Mike: see ya
And YES I gave into that once. I plead insanity and lonliness. *sigh*