Its nice that you have a new family but you should NEVER forget about your family that has been here for you through ALL the ups and downs. The ones who talked you out of killing yourself when cory broke your heart for the first time. Who came right over that day it happend and let you cry on my shoulder. They might be your family for now but I want to tell you that its not something that will last forever. Even though you have a new crew and a new best friend, I pray that you know I wont always be here to offer a shoulder to cry on when things go down the drain. Best of luck to you though. I hope you make the right choices. This is not high school any more time to grow up and focus on REAL LIFE...... dont forget about college and please dont disappoint me. You will always be a friend in my heart but I cant say I will always support your chioces in life. take care.
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