Derik's Bane

Apr 29, 2006 00:45

Derik's Bane by MaryJanice Davidson

A Wyndham Werewolf book, Derik's Bane is a cute and somewhat fluffy paranormal romance. It's the story of a werewolf with newly discovered (and quite problematic) Alpha tendencies, and a girl who is the reincarnation of Morgan le Fay. When a psychic tells Derik that if he doesn't "do something about" Sara the world will end, he sets off to kill her and save the world. It sounds simple, at least until Derik actually meets Sara.

That's when things get complicated.

Derik's Bane is a cute book, though a bit predictable, and has several funny moments. The growing relationship between Derik and Sara is believable once you get past the werewolf/reincarnated sorceress factor, and it is fun to see it develop. I am definitely interested in seeing where it goes in future books in this series.

I particularly liked the "home life" of the werewolves, and I wish that there had been more of it shown. There were several tantalizing hints dropped, and I hope that further books in this series will elaborate on them.

I enjoyed this book and found it to be a nice break from some heavier reading.

paranormal romance, nessa, wyndham werewolf, maryjanice davidson

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