Title: My unintended love
Pairing: JongKey, Jong/OC, JeTi
Genre: AU, Drama, Love, Romance, Fluff, Friendship
Summary: In the seven years he’s been working as the head nurse for the infirmary he’s never came across such a person; one that could make him rethink his whole life, future, past, and present.
He took a piece of toast off the counter and stuffed a few papers into his duffle bag. He sat on the crooked stool for a few seconds before shooting up and running towards the bedroom. He rapidly looked through his desk and the drawers that came with it,” Yuri… where is it? YURI!” A long silky ponytail came into view and Jonghyun calmed down, the weight in his chest slowly diminishing when she pulled out a brown box. She handed it to him and swiped her fingers along his jawline. “You need a break, okay, so when you come back home make sure to take a nap.” He nodded and grabbed his cardigan, waving back to the dark skinned girl,” Bye sweetie, I love you!”
Jonghyun entered the double doors as he felt a long gust of cold wind whistle around his face, moving around his bangs in the opposite direction. He happily grinned when he reached the front desk. He swung his bag over and made sure the two receptionists had it covered in his cubby. “Jessica, Tiffany, how is he?” The golden blonde Barbie started tapping at her computer,” He woke up nine times last night. He wanted you, but, you weren’t here.” The other girl nodded in sync,” But he was better than usual, consider yourself lucky, Jonghyun.”
He nodded in thanks and proceeded through the next pair of doors. He’s worked with many personal patients, criminals of all kinds, and people with serious phobias, anything you could think of. All of them end up here and he was always assigned to one once his old one ended up passing away or being removed to a more serious place. He was always content with that, not making deep attachments to his patients, not feeling much when he comes in the next day and sees a new face rather than the one he’s seen for a year. But three years ago, those walls broke, the bricks turned to rubble on his heart.
He used to walk through these hallways without taking a second glance back. When he would see someone hurting he would help them until they were better and leave them without a goodbye. He’s been walking on these tiles for seven years, watching future killers, scammers, all kinds of people. He took a vow to help these people in need even if they were to get out the next day and kill with their own hands. But he never thought he would fall in love with one; that wasn’t in the contract.