"Once Upon a Time" quick reaction, 1.3 "Snow Falls"

Nov 06, 2011 21:33

Liked this ep a *lot* for too many things to mention. Still not sure why some of the time Snow was called "Sister" Mary Margaret Blanchard, but whatever, moving on.

1. Loved the backstory of thief-Snow and Charming-James falling in love while trying to get jewels that she stole back from trolls.

2. Hate his fiancee. Found her annoying on "Royal Pains." Doubly so here.

3. Hate Regina, but admire how much I hate her. I've also decided that her tendency to gloat, her tendency to do stuff that is supposed to be for Henry's 'own good' that hurts him, in short, her total divorce from logic, reality, or anything else compared to her own desires, pretty much explains how he figured out she didn't love him. The kid's 10, most kids think their parents default care, and Regina's been his mom-person for his entire life. But if she's this much of a screaming narcissist control freak, I think the kid watched some Oprah, found the right vocabulary, and then decided to be sane and cut all mental ties with her ages ago. I may have to fic this.

4. Sheriff = Kind Huntsman, Y? (Probably a duh. If he's not the Wolf. That would be fun.)

5. Well, we knew the happy ending couldn't be that simple.

6. I love this show with an unholy love. Yup.

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