Title: Foolish
Author: blacksouledbutterfly (me)
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Draco/Hermione
Summary: I always knew you would be the one to make me cry....
28- Hermione
I was beginning to believe Pansy when she said that she didn't now where Danica was. Not that I trusted her but I honestly couldn't see Lucius an idiot like herself where Danica was being held. He of course would have realized that she would tell us where she was to save herself. I give Lucius' intelligence at least that much credit. After all, he wouldn't still be alive if he wasn't smart. Well, smart and a powerful wizard, but that is besides the point.
You however still seemed thoroughly convinced that Pansy knew where she was, despite all of Pansy's protests. Not that I blamed you really. If I didn't think so highly of Lucius' intelligence than I would probably have to believe the exact same thing. However, I did think highly of his intelligence, so I thought nothing of the sort. "She doesn't know where Danica is," I told you.
You turned to look at me as though I had grown an extra head, a thoroughly and completely uncomfortable thought by the way. Me with an extra head that is. How odd would that look? "What are you talking about? Of course she knows."
I sighed. "No, Draco she doesn't. Come on, think about it. Do you really think your father would be stupid enough to tell this bloody idiot where Danica is?"
We however decided to ignore her.
You furrowed your eyebrows, thinking hard. "Well, I suppose not."
"Exactly. He knows she would squeal to save herself."
"I would not!"
I cast her an unfriendly glance. "Did you, or did you not tell us that he had her?"
"Well, yes, but that's not the same thing."
"Pansy, it is exactly the same thing."
You gave a small smile. "Seems like you are pulling yourself together quite well."
"Me having a nervous breakdown won't get my daughter back, Draco."
"Our daughter. You keep saying 'your daughter', but she's ours. I did have something to do with it you know. I was there."
"Thank you Draco, I do realize that. I was there too you know, but it's a force of habit to say 'my daughter'. Please do refrain from biting my head off for it."
"Children, as entertaining as this little spat is, this however also does not help to find the girl...excuse me, that came out rude. I mean, it will not help us find my granddaughter," your mother's voice rang out. "Now, do you have any suggestions as to how we should actually go about finding her?"
"You won't find her."
"Pansy, dear, I don't believe I asked you," she responded, rather sarcastically. Did you get that habit from her?
"I don't care. I'm telling you that you will not find her. You just won't."
"And what makes you so sure?"
"Because he didn't work alone."
"I figured that out already," you told her, sourly I might add. "But what exactly does that have to do with anything?"
"It means, Draco, that he has allies. Strong ones at that. They will not let you take the girl. They will slaughter you before you can even reach her."
You looked as though you were about to grab her and throttle her, but I stepped between the two of you. Not that I cared if you hurt Pansy or not. I really, really didn't. I just didn't think it would get us anywhere. "Draco, calm down."
You looked at me as though I was bloody insane. "Calm down? You were the one ready to rip her throat out not too long ago if I recall properly."
"You recall just fine, and you sure as hell know it. Don't attempt to sound blasé, Draco, it's unbecoming to you. However, back to the subject at hand. Yes, a little while ago I was ready to, as you say, rip her throat out, but frankly Draco, what good will that do?"
"I will feel a hell of a lot better."
"No, Draco, you won't. You just think you will. The truth is it won't change the fact that your daughter if missing and that is what is really making you mad, not the fact that Pansy had a menial roll in her disappearance."
"I am right here you know!"
I glanced at Pansy with great disdain. "That, Pansy darling, is why I am saying it as loudly as I am."
It amazed me to now end that Pansy had lived as long as she had with a brain as small as hers and with such little brain.
"Hermione is right, Draco," your mother said, sitting herself comfortably back in her seat, one leg crossed over the other. "The important thing is not you lose your head. It will not help matters."
"Have you ever had a child kidnapped, Mother?"
I took a deep breath. Damn you for being so...so...snarky.
Your mother's eyes narrowed dangerously. "No, Draco, I have not, but I have experience many difficult things, and I have learned keeping a level head is the most important thing. Further more if you take that tone of voice with me one more time I will make sure you do not take any tone with me for a week."
You opened your mouth to talk again, but the door slammed open.
Serena came scurrying in, tripping over herself. "My young lord, Draco. A note has come. An owl. Young master, it's for you."
You glanced at her, taking the envelope from her shaking hand.
"Who's it from?"
You turned to look at me. "My father."