so school basically sucks. 1rst hour german 2nd hour culinary arts 3rd hour bio 4a careers 1 4b choir
it sucks. i hate school already. i thought i would like going back, in fact i was excited to go back, but not anymore. must the social part is good. rawr get me out of this hell! haha.
my myspace got deleted like a week ago. and i made a new one and have spent time re doing it all. i prolly shouldnt have. but oh well. so go add me.
wow. i dont have much to say. hayleys mom went out and bought all kinds of dresses for dirt cheep. and she told us we can pick if we want one of them for like homecoming or prom. and i found one that i like and the girls like. it just has to be taken in a little, and fix some stuff. ( my dress )
k iv been a really bad livejournal friend. but i spend most of my time on myspace. agh. but neways. last night i stayed at hillary's house. and hung out with adam. i think i like him...but neways..