Title: Pretty Handsome
Fandomt: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: Gokudera/Yamamoto
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: Gokudera/Yamamoto - bickering, “Are you saying I’m not a pretty guy?!”
Word count: 514
khrfest Gokudera could count on one hand the number of times Yamamoto got angry at him in their relationship. The guy was carefree and dotting most of the time, affectionate and suprisingly submissive in bed and never seemed to get angry at anyone but their enemies.He didn't know what went wrong this time but here he was, standing at the door, knocking softly on it to try to get Yamamoto to unlock it.
"Takeshi, just open the damn door!"
No answer.
"Takeshi, if you don't open the door now now, I'm going to bomb the hell out of it."
This time, Gokudera was answered with a rather sarcastic remark. "If you want to get on Tsuna's bad side, go ahead."
Yes, they were at the headquarters. Destroying the headquarters would definitely result in a reduced figure printed on their next paycheck.At least Tsuna was kind enough not to punish them like he did Lambo, but that was another story.
"Fine, I won't, but just open the door."
There was a sound of the key being unlocked. Gokudera took the chance to go in before Yamamoto changed his mind.Scratching his head, he looked at the figure sitting on their bed, scowling at him like he was preparing to slash someone with Shigure Kintoki...
...wearing a long, blue dress.
Gokudera wondered how Yamamoto woud look with a pair of breasts in that dress. His mind conjured a detailed mental picture, causing him to blanch in the process.
"Are you going to talk or are you just going to stand there and gawk at me?" Yamamoto snapped, effectively bringing Gokudera back from his reverie.
That blue dress.
The culprit in this whole bickering business between them.
"Look, Takeshi, I'm sorry I laughed at you, okay? But um... You know... I just never pictured you in a, well, dress."
Yamamoto raised an eyebrow. "...Are you saying I'm not a pretty guy?"
"Huh? I never said that! I mean... Look, you know I love you even if you're not pretty, but --"
"So you really are saying I'm not a pretty guy."
"Sheesh, don't put words into my mouth!"
Before Yamamoto could retort, Gokudera lunged forward to push the currently crossdressing guy onto the bed and proceeded to shut them both up with a long, wet kiss. There was a lot of resisting and scratching and biting on Yamamoto's part. Gokudera tried not to get thrown off because heck, Yamamoto was taller and admittedly (abeit begrudgingly) stronger if he was really serious.
"I don't care what you wear. You always look good to me no matter what you wear."
Yamamoto snorted. Gokudera must have learned all this cheesy words from Shamal.
It was always like this when they fight. In the middle of bickering, one of them would just shut the other with a kiss, and then they'd kiss and make up and make out.
"But you know," Gokudera whispered into Yamamoto's ears while his right hand reached for the zipper of the latter's dress,"I think you'd look a lot better and so much prettier in red."