awwww 3: They always do a good job of making me care about someone before they off them.
Of course, this IS The Island.. we dunno if he's dead for sure, but at the same time, they did have a whole show dedicated to him, so signs are pointing to he's actually dead :I. Also I so knew Widmore was his dad pffff. Even before he said "you mother and I are old friends", his smile was like OHHH BOW CHIKA BOW WOW
Sooooo this bomb thing is quite interesting. They all kill themselves in the present-past, and then their past-present selves will go on with their lives instead of getting stuck in the loop. Hmm.. I dunno if I were them I would look for another alternative xD.
Wtf where is Annie I thought this season was going to be all about the Annie and Ben stuff.
Aw at least there was a bit of strained Sawliet <3.