Ok, so who do you think Jacob and the other guys are? Anyone else think they're gods? Because I think they're gods or something like that. I mean come on Jacob is dressed in white, he believes in redemption and forgiveness basically.. he believes that people are basically good. Whereas Mr. Black shirt believes that humans are basically evil and yadda yadda. Right?? idek
Is Mr. Blackshirt the smoke monster? Does "No thanks I already ate" mean he just ate someone? :I
I wanted to think Locke was really Jacob or the Smoke Monster Blackshit man's son or something. BUT NO IT WAS FAKE LOCKE AND LOCKE IS REALLY DEAD ;_;. Fake Alex was not Alex either.. it was the guy that believes in no redemption and that people suck so that's why he was like YEP YOUR FAULT kthnxbye dont' shoot locke because then you would discover IT'S NOT REALLY LOCKE BECAUSE THE BULLET AND/OR KNIFE WOULD LIKE PASS THROUGH HIM OR SOME JUNK BECAUSE HE IS THE SMOKE MONSTER!!!
Also Jacob can't really be all good can he? What was up with "What about you?" Maybe it's because even though Jacob does believe that people are basically good, that people can become bad because of the choices they make yeah? Ben is basically bad and therefore Jacob doesn't want anything to do with him I guess??
The Statue: So, is it Taweret? It looked kinna crocodiley but then again the Egyptian hippo art looks like they have a long snout w/ teeth like that too. There's also Sobek but like he's just the god of crocs :I.
OH MAN JULIET ;_____; I WAS SERIOUSLY LIKE OMG FUCK THIS SHOW IF SHE DIES AND THEY ALL KEEP LIVING OR SOMETHING UGHH. AWW SAWYER FFFF ;______;. But no, not even a 100ft drop and a bunch of metal can fully kill Juliet because she is awesome and she set us up the bomb.
But now that I think about it? You know how pregnant Mommy Faraday was like all like wtf radiation I'm pregnant get away? Do you think the leftover bomb explosion is why pregnant ladies die and dudes have a crap ton of sperm on the island? I don't really know why the radiation would kill the mom or make dudes have a lot of sperm but this is Lost so idek. It would also be lawl irony if the reason Juliet always had to watch her patients die is because she blew up the bomb. Meaning that the bomb exploding IS what caused the incident, and history will repeat itself.
I wonder if Richard is originally from the Black Rock. That's the ship we saw in the beginning. Why would Jacob give Richard forever life?
Dammit SEE YOU IN 2010 LOST :|||||||||