Ahh i'm sucha bad friend, thanks guys for the lj gifts!! :D
Well I saw Avatar yesterday.
A lot of the story elements are just so stupid, like some alien race that -happends- to act oddly like an earth Native American stereotype, hurr blue tiger furries, the fact that apparently a brand new life inhabited planet is only going to attract like 5 scientists, captain planet style villians, HAY LOOK OVERUSE OF BIOLUMINESENCE AREN'T WE CREATIVE DESIGNERS?!?!, walking human controlled fighter robots (just a pet peeve of mine), animal designs that are just a little too busy, and of course star trek style preachyness...
In spite of all that, I found it pretty awesome x). The fight at the end especially- going in to the movie I was like "please show me how the tribal people don't get raped by the military" but they made it pretty believable, and I found that impressive. And like everyone's been saying, the CG and how they blended the real actor's faces and acting w/ the Navi CG face stuff was just really cool, even though a lot of the time they looked kinna cross eyed. I believed the expressions and stuff though, it was neat, and all the characters are pretty likable so that helped. I also liked that a few more of the humans besides the main character fought the army dude, it wasn't like it was hoomans bad, navi good or w/e (yay Anna Lucia lol). We kinna laughed at the end though, I mean if earthlings really just did not give a shit about Pandora and only wanted the ore or whatever it was, they could just come back and nuke the hell out of the planet and still get it lol. But at least it would take 5 years or so for them to get back.. but whatever x).
Anyway after we got home we watched pirated 2012 and man I am glad I did not pay to see that shit.
also WHOO I got Little Rocket Man and Neighborhood Watch on HL2 booya